Daily Archives: May 28, 2019

Why A Healthy Gut Leads To A Healthy Mind

Many people are aware of the fact that to have a healthy lifestyle, you must maintain and sustain a healthy diet. That is, you have to eat clean and fill your stomach with good food to achieve your health and wellness goals. What might surprise you about your stomach is that it can directly affect your mental health, too. Gut-brain psychology is now slowly becoming a name of itself in the healthcare world.

Believe it or not, your stomach and your brain are connected. The communication between your stomach and your mind is referred to as the gut-brain axis. In addition, the connection between these two organs is not just physical, but biochemical, as well. Researchers believe that the trillions of microbes residing inside your stomach do not only affect your physical well-being. Instead, it extends its powers to your brain and your neurological system.

Source: publicdomainpictures.net

In a nutshell, there is an increasing number of studies showing that there is a deeper connection between your stomach and your brain. Some of these studies show that having a healthy stomach can help prevent mental health disorders such as bipolar and schizophrenia.

It is time to realize maintaining a healthy stomach has more profound implications than what we used to know. Here are seven ways on how you can improve your gut health right now:

  • Eat A Variety Of Good Food

Incorporating a variety of healthy food in your diet will not just help for novelty, but it will significantly help with the bacteria diversity residing in your stomach. Having diverse bacteria, or microbiota means these bacteria are performing a variety of functions. The higher the number of species of bacteria you have, the greater your body can combat the harmful bacteria. It leads your body to experience more benefits.

  • Increase Your Leafy Green Intake

Vegetables, especially leafy greens, are a great source of good bacteria. Veggies are rich in fiber, which is good for many things–including bowel movement, growth, and blood sugar levels. Having a diet filled with leafy greens can also help prevent disease-causing bacteria. There are many unique ways you can incorporate leafy greens in your diet, too!

Source: pixabay.com

  • Incorporate Whole Grains In Your Diet

Whole grains are one of the superfoods. A lot of health benefits are jam-packed into these tiny foods. Whole foods can help you feel full without consuming excessive amounts of food. These also help prevent inflammation and reduce your risk of heart disease. Examples of whole grains include barley, corn, oats, rice, and wheat.

  • Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

An increasing amount of food is now using artificial sweeteners as a replacement for sugar. While this may have made food production easier, this can hurt our gut health. Having excessive amounts of artificial sweeteners can increase your blood sugar levels. It may lead to diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and impairments to vision.

  • Snack On Fruits

Fruits are a fantastic source of fiber and antioxidants. They are also incredibly easy to prepare, which is why a lot of people snack on fruits. Contrary to some people’s assumptions, it is difficult to have excessive sugar from fruits. They are more filling than artificial sweeteners in other foods and drinks. With fruits, you are less inclined to eat more as you can get full quickly.

Source: pexels.com

  • Improve Digestion With Yoga

A common problem many people encounter regarding their stomach health is indigestion. You may feel bloated or excessively full when you are experiencing digestion. On top of that, you may experience pain in your upper abdomen. One way to improve digestion is to practice yoga. Different yoga poses such as the child’s pose, Apanasana, and the spinal twist can aid in encouraging digestion.

  • Try Intermittent Fasting

Fasting allows your stomach to take a break and clean itself. Daily fasting can enable your digestive system to clean out thoroughly. If you haven’t tried intermittent fasting before, you can start by having an early dinner then opting for a later breakfast the next day. Allow at least a 12-hour window where you do not consume any food.

The bottom line of this article is: there is a greater effect on having a healthy gut. You may not consciously feel it, but it is vital to keep in mind good nutrition is a contributor to good mental health. Good gut health is just one piece to the puzzle on good mental health, but it is a vital piece, nonetheless. By living a balanced life with a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle, you can achieve overall healthy well-being.