Daily Archives: March 24, 2021

Questions About Dysthymic Condition

I got diagnosed with dysthymia before I dealt with gastroenteritis. The latter was technically a result of my depressive disorder, considering there were months pre-diagnosis when I would not eat for up to a week. It took a toll on my mental health. Because of my depression, part of me did not want to live; another part of me wanted to see how long I could stay without eating and keeling over. One day, when I felt super dehydrated, I ended up drinking the contaminated water from the faucet, causing me to have a viral infection.

A girl with curly hair is laying on the couch while looking at the ceiling.

Source: pexels.com

A few days at the hospital could have made anyone rethink their life choices and want to get rid of all their issues. However, it was challenging to do for someone with dysthymia like me.  

What Is Dysthymic Illness?

Dysthymia, also known as Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD), is a type of mood disorder that is characterized by a persistent low mood or depressed mood or state that lasts for at least two years in adults or one year in children and adolescents. It’s a long term health condition. That means this condition is often chronic, with individuals experiencing symptoms that are less severe than those of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) but last much longer.

Prevalence And Incidence

Prevalence and incidence rates of persistent depressive disorder vary depending on the population studied and the diagnostic criteria used. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the estimated lifetime prevalence of it in the United States is around 1.5%, with a slightly higher prevalence of depressive disorder in women than in men.

Symptoms Of Dysthymic Illness

“Persistent depressive” means that it lasts for a long time — persistent. It has several cognitive behavioral effects. As a disorder, it also has negative effects on health.

They can be categorized into emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms. Emotional symptoms may include feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and worthlessness, while behavioral symptoms may include social withdrawal, decreased productivity, and lack of interest in activities. Physical symptoms may include fatigue, poor appetite or overeating, and sleep disturbances.

To be diagnosed, an individual must exhibit symptoms that persist for at least two years, with no more than two months of symptom-free periods during that time.

It is important to note that this can co-occur with other mental health conditions, such as comorbid anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and MDD. Therefore, a mental health professional must conduct a thorough assessment to rule out other conditions and provide appropriate combination treatment such as randomized controlled trial tests, talk therapy, or interpersonal psychotherapy.

The Persistency

This is a persistent depressive disorder characterized by low mood, behavioral changes, and physical symptoms lasting at least two years. While the prevalence of the disorder is relatively low, it can significantly impact an individual’s daily functioning and quality of life. Early recognition and treatment are crucial for improving outcomes and reducing the risk of co-occurring mental health conditions. Treatment for dysthymic disorder might vary from person to person.

Causes And Risk Factors

The causes of this are complex and multifactorial. The illness is believed to arise from a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

According to experts at the American psychiatric association, biological factors, such as genetics, neurotransmitter imbalances, and hormonal changes, may contribute to the development. Studies have suggested that there may be a genetic component to the illness, with a higher incidence of Dysthymia in individuals with a family history of mood disorders. Neurotransmitter imbalances, specifically imbalances in serotonin and norepinephrine, have also been implicated in the development of the illness. Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during the menstrual cycle or menopause, may also be a contributing factor.

Psychological Factors

Psychological factors can also play a role in the development. Personality disorders or traits such as introversion, neuroticism, and perfectionism have been associated with a higher risk of developing the illness. Negative thinking patterns, such as ruminating on past stressful life events or catastrophizing future events, can also contribute to the persistence of the low mood characteristic of Dysthymia. Past traumatic experiences, such as abuse or neglect, may also increase the risk of developing the illness.

Environmental factors, such as chronic stress, substance abuse, and social isolation, can also contribute to the development. Chronic stressors, such as financial difficulties or relationship problems, can increase the risk of developing the illness. Substance or drug abuse, including alcohol and drug use, can also contribute to the development and persistence of milder symptoms. Social isolation or a lack of social support can increase the risk of developing Dysthymia, as social support has been shown to be protective against mood disorders.

It arises from a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. While the exact cause of the illness is unknown, understanding these contributing factors can help healthcare professionals develop appropriate treatment plans and support strategies for individuals suffering from it.

Can It Be Cured?

There are no known cures to prevent persistent depressive conditions. Also, it may not be cured through a medicine-based approach since this condition is more complex than we might think. However, people who live with it can live a life of happiness and contentment. Make sure that you surround yourself with people who can support and understand you while managing depression. 

What Does Dysthymia Mean?

Dysthymia is a long-term and chronic form of major depression. It can be characterized by feelings of loss of interest, hopelessness, laziness, and low self-esteem that can last for years, which can also affect your daily life, relationships, and school or work. For other people, if you have an early onset dysthymia, you can be described as gloomy with the incapability of having fun, and you may tend to complain a lot. 

A girl with long wavy hair wearing a dress is looking to her right with a pensive expression.

Source: pexels.com

What Condition Does A Client With Dysthymia Have?

If a person is diagnosed with dysthymia, they have chronic depression. This condition is also known as Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD). Again, this condition is much like any other form of minor depression with the effects of its symptoms; however, PDD can last for years. As a result, people diagnosed with PDD or dysthymia can lose interest in daily life and become more withdrawn. This is not something they can control, as this is part of what they are diagnosed with. Disorders aren’t something people can manage easily, especially major depression.

What Is The Best Medication For People Who Suffers From This?

People with the illness are often left undertreated as they only can visit their family doctors, where they only report physical symptoms. If you are looking for the perfect medication for this diagnosis, treatment, and cure are the same for any major form of depression. The most common drugs to take are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or dual-action antidepressants. You must not self-medicate; always check with your doctor before taking any pills.

Is Dysthymia A Disorder?

Yes, it is. It is also known as Persistent Depressive Disorder or PDD. This is a relatively new diagnosis that combines the two earlier types of dysthymia and a chronic form of depression. Much like all the other forms of depression, PDD can also cause a feeling of great sadness and even hopelessness, which may affect your mood and even your behavior. 

Is Dysthymia A Form Of Bipolar?

It falls under the category of mental disorders, but no, it is not a form of bipolar disorder, but it co-occurs with other mental illnesses. It is a double depression where it happens along with the dysthymia that was previously diagnosed. However, if a person switches from Dysthymic moods to hypomanic moods, this can sign a mild form of bipolar disorder. 

A girl is looking down into shattered glass

Source: pexels.com

How Do I Know If I Am Bipolar?

This can be a different experience for different people. Some might have a difficult time sleeping, while others tend to sleep a little too much. It can sometimes feel quite overwhelming, especially with feelings of failure, the death of a loved one, or even guilt. This can then trigger suicidal thoughts. Other signs you could look out for are difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, poor concentration, and over or under-eating.

What Is A Bipolar Person Like?

Those diagnosed with bipolar illness can go through both episodes of major depression and episodes of mania or an overwhelming feeling of joy, excitement, a lesser need for sleep or rest, and bursts of energy. This can be different for many people, meaning that the experience is unique for other people, so bipolar illness does not have a particular look or type. 

Can A Bipolar Person Truly Love?

Everyone in this world is entitled to love and be loved. As someone with bipolar illness, you might feel scared to involve yourself in a romantic relationship because you would never really know when the right time is to spring the information on your partner. Still, of course, you can genuinely love and be loved. As long as you keep yourself honest with your partner, stick with your treatment, and make sure that you are keeping an open line of communication with the person you are involved with.

What Are The Four Types Of Bipolar?

The four types of bipolar are Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic disorder, and Mixed features. The first type can involve periods of severe mood episodes. The second type is a milder type of mood elevation, which also involves mild hypomania, which alternates with severe depression. Cyclothymic condition means there are brief periods of depressive symptoms that may not be as bad as fully hypomanic episodes. Lastly, mixed features are all these different symptoms of opposite mood polarities. 

At What Age Do Signs Of Bipolar Appear?

Signs of bipolar illness can start early due to childhood trauma; however, it is more uncommon than adults. This only happens to at least 3% of the recorded cases. Signs may start to show up during the late teenage years to early adulthood, but this can also happen to children again. So, make sure to keep a lookout for the different signs of bipolar illness no matter the age. 

What Triggers A Bipolar Episode?

Triggers for bipolar episodes are lack of sleep or a change in your sleeping patterns, sudden bursts of anger or emotions, stress from heartaches, alcohol, and substance abuse, and antidepressants and other medications. However, this can be different for other people as bipolar is a very personal experience, making every one unique. 

A girl wearing a white button down is look at her reflection in the mirror.

Source: pexels.com

Signs Of Bipolar In A Woman?

There are many different signs that both men and women with bipolar illness can experience. There are no specific signs for one gender. Still, the symptoms are usually: irritation, bursts of energy, reduced amounts of sleep, increased frequency in talking, rapid speech flows, being easily distracted, and even an increased or decreased appetite. These are signs that both men and women share who live with bipolar illness. 

What Are At Least Four Manifestations Of Dysthymic Condition?

How Does Dysthymia Affect The Ability To Work?

What Triggers Dysthymic Condition?

Can People With Dysthymia Ever Be Happy?

What Is A Relationship Like With Someone With Dysthymia?

Final Thoughts

I am still lightyears away from feeling like my old, cheerful self due to my depressive disorder. It might not even happen in this lifetime, given that it was a chronic mental condition. Despite that, I finally found a good balance between my emotions and actions, and I no longer starved to death. I would say that’s a significant win over my chronic depression, to be honest.