Few Tips For Healthy Bowel Movement

One or two effortlessly released stools daily indicate healthy bowel movements or bowel activity. The feces are similar in consistency to mashed potatoes or peanut butter. If this is not the case, there can be an issue with your digestive system. Don’t worry, as this is only sometimes the typical case for determining whether or not you have any issues with your stools. If you do, and you are familiar with the situation and can detect that something is wrong with your poop, you might want to check it out more if you’re dealing with a difficulty passing stool.


Source: pixabay.com

With that, some people, mostly adults, may choose to treat their symptoms on their own by using over-the-counter drugs, or they might be sent to a colorectal surgeon or gastroenterologist. However, because they specialize in assessing the muscles in the abdomen and pelvis that affect bowel motions, pelvic physical therapists are invaluable in treating bowel problems. A pelvic physical therapy professional will assess the lifestyle variables and habits that affect gut health. They may frequently advise their patients on a few easy lifestyle changes to help them improve their intestinal health. 

Most of us can maintain regularity with a few simple modifications in lifestyle. If you experience an irritable bowel movement often, consider trying these things:

Go To The Bathroom At A Regular Time Every Day

When you’re occupied with your everyday activities, have you ever waited for the extreme urge to use the restroom, only to discover that it never comes? You used to sense when it was time to sit on the toilet, but external factors like struggling to use public restrooms or time restrictions kept you from noticing these cues. This may eventually cause you to lose the urge or feeling to use the restroom when necessary.

On the other hand, have you ever had the impression that bathroom trips take too long or that you have to visit the restroom frequently to try to pass one? Do you push and struggle but get very little stool out of it?

Either way, you might gain from developing more consistent and regular bowel habits if you go to the restroom and use the toilet regularly every day. This entails figuring out when is the ideal time to release poop. Not only does this provide you with better time management, but it will also allow your brain to set a schedule and when to know your body. It can be up to thirty to an hour after consuming meals. At this point, the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated to contract and force the bowels to move more quickly.

Don’t Strain And Learn To Breathe

When you are constipated or having bowel movement issues, your natural tendency is to strain or push it forcibly. However, straining can cause the muscles surrounding your anus to contract or squeeze your way through, making it difficult to release the stool even more. It may require some abdominal pressure to have a bowel movement. This is similar to exerting maximum pressure on a toothpaste tube while maintaining the cap closed. Alternatively, some find it useful to inhale through their mouths like they are inflating a balloon and exhale through their belly. 

Using deep breaths as a strategy, you can sit and maintain your pelvic floor muscles’ relaxed state while your abdomen gently presses downward, placing your knees and feet in a comfortable position to help release the stool. It may be necessary to seek further instruction or practice, in which case a pelvic health care physical therapist’s assessment can greatly help.

Source: pixabay.com


Eat More Fiber

All plant-based foods contain fiber, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables daily, and choose wholegrain, pasta, and oats. Note that consuming too much fiber can bring up too much air or an enlarged stomach if you abruptly increase your fiber intake. Thus, drink plenty of water and other liquids, including coffee. Drinking will help compensate for this issue. Because thick feces are simpler to get out, constipation is less likely to occur. And because fiber absorbs fluids and gives stool volume, it may assist in stabilizing loose stools, and watery stools and keep the bowels healthy.

Following a regular dietary schedule and consuming adequate fiber helps regular bowel movements because ingesting fiber regulates the digestive tract from beginning to end. Additionally, fiber has the cleaning effect of scrubbing away pathogens and other bacteria in your intestines, which lowers your chance of colon cancer.

Fiber impacts how quickly food is absorbed, how waste products (stool) move through the colon, and how quickly food is digested. Beneficial gut bacteria can find something to grow on there as well. Both insoluble and soluble forms of dietary fiber are present and serve distinct physiological purposes. Thus, the digestive system needs fiber to function properly.

Exercise Regularly

Constipation can result from a lack of physical activity since it slows down the feces’ normal movement through the colon. Exercise is beneficial for maintaining regularity and its many other benefits. It can be helpful to keep things in the digestive tract moving with a vigorous stroll, swimming, or even some gardening. Make an effort to engage in enjoyable physical activity for a minimum of thirty minutes daily to alleviate constipation and enhance gastrointestinal motility. Also, try doing exercises that strengthen your core.

Food moves through the main gastrointestinal tract or large intestine more quickly after exercise, which helps relieve constipation. Your body’s ability to absorb water or liquid from the feces is thus reduced since it is more difficult to soften stool or eliminate dry, hard stools. Also, respiration and heart rate increase with aerobic exercise. This supports the activation of your intestines’ normal muscle contraction.

Regular physical activity can help ease the symptoms of constipation more quickly. Researchers say exercise has other benefits beyond only strengthening the cardiovascular system and other muscles. For regular bowel motions, exercise is necessary. Intestinal incontinence contractions, which drive stool through the gastrointestinal tract, are triggered, and your abdominal muscles may get firmer. Also, stress is a common cause of constipation, so it might aid in reducing that.

Listen To Your Body

Sometimes, when you are busy or in a foreign environment, you put off using the restroom. This may make constipation worse. It’s crucial to take a poo whenever the need strikes or to schedule one regularly.

Additionally, you must be careful to use the restroom when you truly need to since delaying it might harm your colon and cause your biological clock to fall out of sync. Be sure to give yourself sufficient time to decompress and let go when your body signals that it is time to release the digested food in your body. Of course, there will be moments when you must suppress the urge to use the restroom for various reasons. However, if using the restroom is always convenient, use it to finish your business.

Pooping at least three times each day or three times a week is considered normal. The frequency of your bowel movements can be affected by various things, such as your stress levels, water consumption, and processed foods. To prevent constipation or health issues, it’s critical to identify the warning signs and symptoms if anything seems out of the ordinary for you. Seeing a physician examine the warning flags and physical manifestations would be quite beneficial.

Source: pixabay.com


Don’t Rely On Drugs

For whatever reason, a lot of individuals turn to medications along with additional substances to assist in relieving their problems with bowel movements. However, you should not. The normal course of your body’s waste elimination processes causes bowel movement. Therefore, you can defecate without the need for any drugs or other substances. It is part of your body’s function to expel waste and remove digested food.

If other medications aren’t helping and your constipation is particularly bad, you can try stimulants. They squeeze on your intestines to stimulate motility. However, laxatives are used by the majority of individuals. These are a variety of drugs that facilitate the movement of waste products through the colon. Bulk-forming stimulant laxatives and fiber supplements are examples of over-the-counter alternatives. These give the soft stool greater mass and aid in its ability to hold onto water that you drink, which makes it mushy but more formed.

Prescription medications that reduce intestinal motility, including codeine or hydrocodone, should always be avoided. Antibiotics and antidepressants can also bring on numerous gastrointestinal disturbances. Thus, it would help if you also exercised caution with that. Never be afraid to ask a healthcare professional about the negative consequences if your doctor recommends an anxiety or depression medication treatment that interferes with your bowel movement. Other drugs may be suggested or prescribed by the therapist in place, so always talk about your condition honestly.

Avoid Stress

There are various ways that stress might cause irritable bowel movements, and you can refer to the bristol stool chart for the ones you might currently have. Stress hormones have an immediate impact on bowel motions by altering physiological functions. Constipation may result from a slowdown in intestinal motility brought on by stress. Depression and anxiety may act as catalysts for various gastrointestinal diseases, including gas, diarrhea, constipation, and pain, and affect a person. More and more, this stress-related problem is being identified as an irritable bowel and irritable brain syndrome.

IBM can also result from poor diet, dehydration, and insufficient exercise, all of which are increased in stressed-out individuals. Additionally, stress causes blood flow to divert from the colon, which can result in diarrhea. Your body responds to stress by diverting blood flow to muscle tissue. This causes problems with releasing cortisol and adrenaline and difficulties with food digestion and absorption once you’re done eating. Your digestive system becomes sluggish and struggles to function correctly when this occurs.

Avoid stress, or at the very least, learn how to manage it. It is possible to successfully handle stress. To get an initial diagnostic of your physical and mental health conditions, however, see your therapist before attempting any new meta analysis systematic review treatments.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you maintain bowel movements?
How can I promote my healthy bowels?
How do I get my bowels back to normal?
How can I naturally keep my bowels regular?
How often should you have a bowel movement?
What is the best way to ease constipation?
How can I have a bowel movement every morning?
How can I improve my gut health naturally?
Why is it essential to keep bowels healthy?
Can you change your bowel movement schedule?
Is daily bowel movement healthy?
How long is a healthy bowel movement?
Is it okay to have a bowel movement every day?
What is the best supplement for regular bowel movements?
How do you stimulate a bowel movement quickly?

Types Of Probiotics And Their Benefits

A rich army of beneficial microorganisms lives in your stomach, cooperating to keep you healthy. Probiotics are live microorganisms taken as nutritional supplements or fermented foods to help your body’s natural bacteria. Probiotic use is well established to improve overall health and well-being, yet there needs to be more contradictory information regarding its usage.

Source: pixabay.com


Probiotics are a very popular topic in nutrition, and for excellent reasons. Probiotic-containing meals, drinks, and nutritional probiotic supplements can be good for people’s health, particularly in promoting the immune system, physical strength, and gastrointestinal function. However, there needs to be more understanding of what they are and what these probiotics can and cannot do.

What Are Probiotics?

Live bacteria, known as Probiotics, can be good for your health. Trillions of microbes coexist within every human body, supporting our physiological processes and general well-being. Not every microbe we may carry within us benefits us; some bacteria or germs can even be dangerous. However, good bacteria, such as probiotic species, aid in regulating bad ones.

Taking probiotic products provides healthy bacteria to supplement the populations of germs your body already has. Many probiotics are dietary supplements meant to be taken by mouth and entered into your digestive health system. Additionally, there are topical treatment products that you can use on your skin or the mucous membranes found inside body cavities, such as the genitalia or nose. These are all habitats for helpful microorganisms.

Although that bacterium settles everywhere in your body and has potential health benefits, it is mostly found in your stomach. Your gut microbiota, or gut microbiome, which is made up of these bacteria, is vital to your overall well-being. Probiotics are so widely used that supplement producers have made them easily accessible in every form. They are available as powders, tablets, and pills. Probiotics are often included to increase the nutritional content of other supplements, such as green powders.

How Do Probiotics Work?

According to experts from the international scientific association, the various ways by which probiotics function are still being studied by researchers. The Scientific Association for Probiotics Specialists also added that probiotics can support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the microbiome of your stomach or gut, a community of billions of microorganisms that reside in your digestive tract, and support the formation of healthy bacteria, thus improving the health and functionality of your gastrointestinal system. Meanwhile, several Probiotics can create anti-microbial proteins and peptides that aid in the defense against vulnerable gut bacteria and other different strains of health conditions. Although you frequently consume and ingest harmful bacteria, your body has beneficial bacteria that keep you healthy most of the time.

Taking Probiotics regulates the amount of duration it takes food to pass through the gut, a process known as transit time. Metabolites are good byproducts that probiotics release into the body to aid digestion. It sends cues to the body’s tissues to create and accumulate mucus in the gut to function as an immune system shield against infections such as ulcerative colitis and gastrointestinal disorders.  They can also aid in the digestion of food that you cannot digest on your own, especially when you lack the enzymes needed to break into smaller pieces and absorb certain fibers.

According to experts, Probiotics can also help generate neurotransmitters or brain chemicals like dopamine or change the amino acid tryptophan found in foods like turkey, milk, and oats into serotonin, which can help elevate mood. Probiotic research suggests that some can also release proteins that reduce inflammation. Experts also point out that probiotics have the ability to produce vitamins B and K.

Source: pixabay.com


Types Of Probiotics


Most animals and people’s intestines contain bifidobacteria found in both surroundings and organisms. They support necessary bodily processes, including digestion and the defense against dangerous microorganisms. They have colonized the gut health microbiome to help improve lactose digestion. It has been connected with gastrointestinal health as well. 

In addition to producing essential substances like B vitamins and good fats, bifidobacteria are also known to generate riboflavin, thiamine, vitamin B6, and vitamin K. They also aid in the digestion of fiber, assist in preventing infections and generate crucial chemicals that lessen or avoid antibiotic associated diarrhea and reduce irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms. These probiotics also improve higher lipid levels and provide some protection from heart disease. 

Bifidobacterium can be found in a wide variety of foods, including milk and yogurt. It is highly recommended that you incorporate products high in fiber, such as dates, lentils, blueberries, oaths, avocados, apples, and broccoli, into your daily diet, as they can all support the growth of your Bifidobacterium.


One kind of probiotic that is present in the gastrointestinal tract to the human gut, mouth, and vagina, as well as in some foods, is called lactobacillus. It is seen as a beneficial bacteria that aids in food digestion, vitamin absorption, and the defense against harmful organisms that could lead to illness. They have also been linked to a lower incidence of vaginal infections and diarrhea brought on by antibiotics.

Since ancient times, lactic acid-producing Lactobacillus bacteria have been utilized in food manufacturing, especially to cultivate dairy products. The beneficial health advantages of lactobacillus plantarum, lactobacillus casei, and lactobacillus reuteri, have been associated with the formation of lactic acid bacteria and other metabolites. Lactobacilli are significant oral, vaginal, and digestive tract colonizers.  

Lactobacillus has a wide range of uses in preserving human health. Probiotics may work best if you take them approximately half an hour before your meal and if you take your dose before the morning meal. But the timing is entirely up to you.


Various yeast species belong to the Saccharomyces family. Some varieties can be recognized in plant matter or soil, while others have undergone hybridization for commercial purposes like brewing. The gastrointestinal (GI) system of humans contains them as well. One of the probiotics that has been researched the most is Saccharomyces yeast, mostly for gastrointestinal diseases. It is a resilient organism that can withstand extreme temperatures and the acidic environment or low pH level found in the GI tract.

Due to its anti-pathogenic properties, Saccharomyces has been shown to combat HPylori infections and lower the risk of severe diarrhea in both adults and children. Additionally, it might lessen the symptoms of IBS. In addition, it protects the intestinal lining from pathogenic bacteria or germs and promotes the synthesis of gastrointestinal enzymes, which aid in the breakdown of carbohydrates in food.

Traditional uses for these Probiotics include immunological support, antitumoral, antimalarial, neurologically protective, antioxidant, and antidiabetic. It has been found naturally in a variety of dairy products, such as kefir, yogurt, milk, cream, and cheese. Research indicates that fruit peels from lychee and mangosteen also contain it.


The gut and its environment benefit from the short chain fatty acids or Streptococcus. This microbe supports intestinal permeability, whether severe or chronic, nutritionally and helps the immune system work normally. Certain Streptococcus species function to increase the pathogenic potential of other immune system pathogens.

Several health advantages have been reported for the probiotic bacteria Streptococcus. Research indicates that it can enhance digestion, lower inflammation, strengthen the body’s immune system, and lower the chance of developing certain medical conditions like eczema, allergies, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Streptococcus is a common ingredient in yogurt, cheese, and other cultured dairy goods. Probiotics’ physiological, sustainable, and metabolic characteristics have been thoroughly documented because of their commercial significance.


Enterococcus is a useful multitasker in the human gut because it can generate bacteriocins, sometimes known as bacterial bullets or anti-microbial agents. These probiotics can act as a specialist in ammunition, offering a little spark to assist in fending off dangerous pathogenic or germs.

Enterococci are employed as general markers of fecal contamination, but they additionally serve as stand-ins for pathogens and cause health risk factors. Many dangerous human diseases, including meningitis, bacteremia, intra-abdominal infections, wound infections, and UTIs, are frequently brought on by Enterococci. Extended antibiotic regimens are necessary for resistant probiotic strain.


According to a professional from the national institutes of health, one of the many kinds of bacteria that inhabit the digestive tract of healthy people and the majority of warm-blooded animals is Escherichia coli, or simply E. coli. It synthesizes or generates certain vitamins and aids in maintaining the delicate balance of beneficial microbes within the normal intestinal flora. A population of E. coli in your stomach helps digestion and shields the body from other dangerous bacteria.

The primary benefit of using E.coli probiotics is creating genetically identical cells that thrive in various bodily environments. However, some types might get you sick with diarrhea if you consume tainted food or water.

Escherichia coli (E. coli) microbes are often found in the intestines of healthy humans and animals. Most varieties of E. Coli are safe but temporarily cause diarrhea. However, a few types might induce vomiting, bloody diarrhea, and excruciating stomach pains.

Source: pixabay.com


Final Thoughts

Common advantages of these helpful bacteria include strengthening the immune system, preventing dental cavities, and controlling the growths of eczema and vaginal and bacterial infections of the urinary tract. Probiotics have been shown in further research to have a wide range of beneficial benefits, including lowering the length and intensity of respiratory tract infections and improving cholesterol, blood glucose, and body fat measurements.

The most well-known beneficial effects of probiotics on intestinal health include improved digestion, enhanced absorption of some micronutrients, and decreased frequency and severity of diarrhea. It’s still crucial to finish the treatment regimen as directed by your physician.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do You Know Which Probiotic Is Good For You?

How Many Types Of Probiotics Can You Take?

Do Different Probiotics Do Different Things?

Do All Types Of Probiotics Have The Same Health Effects?

How Do You Know When Probiotics Start Working?

How Do I Know How Much Probiotics To Take?

What Happens When You Take Probiotics Every Day?

How Do You Know If Your Probiotic Is Too Strong?

What Is The Best Probiotic To Take On A Daily Basis?

How Many Probiotics Strains Should I Take?

How Many Bacteria Should A Good Probiotic Have?

How Long Does It Take For Probiotics To Make A Difference?

What Is The Difference Between Probiotics And Good Bacteria?

Can I Take Different Types Of Probiotics Together?

Can You Take A Probiotic Every Other Day?

The Comfort of Cuisine: How Food and Therapy Intertwine

Food and therapy may seem like an unlikely pairing, but they can actually complement each other in powerful ways. From cooking to dining out, food has the power to heal and bring comfort, and incorporating it into your therapy journey can be a delicious and therapeutic experience.

The Connection Between Food and Emotions

Food and emotions have a strong connection. Have you ever noticed that certain foods make you feel happy, comforted, or even stressed? This is because food can trigger emotional memories and experiences. For example, a familiar smell or taste can transport you back to a happy childhood memory, and the comfort food you reach for during a stressful day can bring a sense of peace and calm.

The therapeutic benefits of food are not limited to the emotional connection we have with it. Food also has physical benefits, such as providing the nutrients and energy needed for good health. A healthy diet can improve our overall well-being, boost our mood, and increase our ability to cope with stress.

The Healing Power of Cooking

Cooking can be a therapeutic experience in itself. The process of preparing a meal can be meditative, allowing you to focus on the present moment and forget about your worries. Cooking can also be a way to express your creativity, experiment with new flavors and ingredients, and share your love of food with others.

Incorporating cooking into your therapy journey can also help you to gain a better understanding of your relationship with food. Are you using food as a way to cope with stress or emotions? Are you eating to fill an emotional void? Are you making healthy food choices that support your well-being? These are important questions to consider as you explore the connection between food and therapy.

The Joy of Dining Out

Dining out can also be a therapeutic experience. Whether you’re trying a new restaurant or dining at a familiar favorite, the social aspect of sharing a meal with others can bring a sense of joy and connection. This can be especially important for those who live alone or who are struggling with social isolation.

When dining out, be mindful of your food choices. Try new dishes, experiment with different cuisines, and be open to new flavors and ingredients. This can be a fun and exciting way to broaden your palate and experience different cultures.

Food and Therapy: A Delicious Partnership

Incorporating food into your therapy journey can help to heal your mind and body. Whether it’s cooking, dining out, or simply being mindful of your food choices, the connection between food and therapy can bring comfort, joy, and a sense of well-being.

So the next time you sit down for a meal, take a moment to reflect on how it makes you feel and how it may be influencing your thoughts and emotions. Remember, food has the power to heal and bring joy, and incorporating it into your therapy journey can be a delicious and therapeutic experience.

Mindful eating is a key component in the connection between food and therapy. It involves being present and fully engaged in the experience of eating, from the preparation to the taste, texture, and enjoyment of the food. This means being mindful of the food you eat, how much you eat, and why you are eating.

Practicing mindful eating can help you to gain a better understanding of your relationship with food, including why you eat certain foods and how they make you feel. This can also help you to identify any emotional eating patterns, such as using food as a coping mechanism, and to develop healthier coping strategies.

Mindful eating also encourages you to slow down and savor your food, which can improve digestion, increase satisfaction, and reduce overeating. By being mindful of your food choices and eating habits, you can develop a healthy relationship with food that supports your well-being and overall health.

The Benefits of Food and Therapy

The combination of food and therapy can have a profound impact on your mental and physical well-being. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved emotional regulation: Food has the power to trigger emotions, but incorporating it into your therapy journey can help you to regulate your emotions in a healthy way.
  • Increased mindfulness: Mindful eating can help you to be present and fully engaged in the experience of eating, leading to a greater sense of well-being.
  • Better understanding of your relationship with food: Incorporating food into therapy can help you to gain a deeper understanding of your relationship with food, including why you eat certain foods and how they make you feel.
  • Improved physical health: A healthy diet can improve your overall well-being, boost your mood, and increase your ability to cope with stress.
  • Increased social connection: Dining out and sharing meals with others can bring a sense of joy and connection, which can be especially important for those who are struggling with social isolation.

Final Thoughts

Food and therapy can be a delicious and therapeutic partnership that can help to heal your mind and body. By incorporating food into your therapy journey, you can gain a better understanding of your relationship with food, develop healthier eating habits, and improve your emotional and physical well-being.

Bite into Therapy: How Eating Can Help Heal Your Mind

Food is a universal language that brings people together, comforts the soul and satisfies our cravings. It has the power to evoke memories and emotions, and it can also have therapeutic benefits for our mental health. While traditional therapy sessions focus on verbal communication, incorporating food into therapy can provide a unique and engaging approach to self-discovery and healing.

The Power of Food Therapy

Food therapy, also known as culinary therapy, is a form of therapy that uses food as a tool for self-expression and exploration. In a food therapy session, individuals are encouraged to explore their relationship with food, emotions, and their body. This can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their eating habits and the emotional triggers that influence their food choices. By utilizing the sensory experiences of taste, smell, and touch, food therapy can provide a powerful and effective way to process emotions and promote healing.

The Benefits of Food Therapy

Food therapy has a number of benefits that can improve mental health and overall wellbeing. Some of these benefits include:

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Food can be a source of comfort and a distraction from stress and anxiety. In food therapy sessions, individuals can learn coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety through their relationship with food. Additionally, cooking and preparing food can also be a form of mindfulness that helps to calm the mind and reduce stress levels.

Improving Self-Awareness and Body Image

Food therapy sessions provide individuals with a safe space to explore their relationship with food and their bodies. By examining the emotional triggers that influence their food choices, individuals can gain a better understanding of their thoughts and behaviors. This can help to improve self-awareness and body image, promoting positive body image and reducing disordered eating behaviors.

Building Relationships and Connections

Food has the power to bring people together, and food therapy sessions can be a fun and engaging way to build relationships and connections with others. Sharing a meal with others can create a sense of community and support, providing individuals with a sense of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation.

Breaking Negative Eating Habits

Food therapy can help individuals break negative eating habits by exploring the emotional triggers that influence their food choices. By examining the relationship between emotions and eating behaviors, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their habits and develop strategies to overcome them.

Tips for Incorporating Food Therapy into Your Life

While food therapy is often conducted by a licensed therapist, there are simple ways to incorporate food therapy into your daily life. Here are some tips to get started:

Explore New Cuisines

Exploring new cuisines can be a fun and exciting way to broaden your palate and experience different cultures and flavors. Here are some tips to help you explore new cuisines:

  1. Try a new restaurant: Visit a restaurant that specializes in a cuisine that you have never tried before. This can be a great way to taste new dishes and get a sense of the flavors and ingredients that are typical in that cuisine.
  2. Experiment with recipes at home: Look for recipes online or in cookbooks that feature cuisines that you have never tried before. Try cooking the dishes at home and experiment with different ingredients and spices to find your favorite flavor combinations.
  3. Take a cooking class: Taking a cooking class can be a fun and interactive way to learn about different cuisines. You can learn about the ingredients, cooking techniques, and cultural traditions behind each cuisine.
  4. Travel: Traveling to different countries and experiencing the local food is one of the best ways to explore new cuisines. Whether you’re trying street food or dining in a restaurant, traveling gives you the opportunity to taste authentic dishes and learn about the cultural significance of food.
  5. Join a foodie group: Join a foodie group in your community or online to find others who share your love of food. You can attend food events, cook together, and try new restaurants and recipes together.

By trying new dishes, ingredients, and flavors, you can expand your palate and learn about different cultures and cuisines. Remember to be open-minded and adventurous, and don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new.


Incorporating food into therapy can provide a unique and engaging approach to self-discovery and healing. Whether through food therapy sessions or incorporating food therapy techniques into your daily life, exploring your relationship with food can have a profound impact on your mental health and overall well-being. So next time you sit down for a meal, take a moment to reflect on how it makes you feel and how it may be influencing your thoughts and emotions. Remember, food has the power to heal and bring joy, and incorporating it into your therapy journey can be a delicious and therapeutic experience.

How To Fight Depressive Disorder?

When my depression came out, the psychiatrist gave me two treatment options. The first one was medication. She said, “I could give you anti-depressants. You could take these medications once every day for an entire month to alter your brain chemistry, and then we could do another checkup and see how your medical condition is affected.” Since no one in my family ever had depression that required them to take antidepressants, my parents were extra inquisitive about my substance use and what we could expect from the antidepressant drug. They were afraid that it might lead to substance abuse.

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I was thankful for that because it turned out that antidepressants did not have a lot of positive feedback for their depression from my psychiatrist’s other clients. They apparently reported feeling sluggish, tired, and sleepy all the time – as if they were always sedated. Since there was technically no cure for the mental illness called a major depressive disorder, mental health professionals feel obliged to prescribe antidepressants to prevent depression. Honestly, that is against my interest or pleasure.

Of course, I did not want to do anything with the antidepressant drug that might or might not be good for me. I was a teenager and a lesbian; I already had enough to deal with at that moment. But thank God I don’t suffer from suicidal thoughts. When my parents asked about the second option, the psychiatrist started talking about counseling for depression disorder.

How Do We Resolve A Condition?

If you had not heard of counseling for chronic illness in the past, it referred to the treatment where you would talk to a counselor about your mental health issues. At first, there’s a question of family history of mental illness and other symptoms related to the condition. Symptoms occur when you least expect them. The counselor would not resolve your emotional and physical problems for you. Instead, they would listen and help you reinterpret what you were talking about so that you could see another way out of the risk factors of depression issues.

Nevertheless, as I mentioned in the first half of this blog, counseling was not a popular method of dealing with mental ailments and — not even for a mood disorder like mild depression or other mental disorders like bipolar disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, seasonal affective disorder, and anxiety symptoms — at the time. Not many older adults who experience depression risk were even aware of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders!

Mom and Dad were not worried about being seen coming in or out of the psychological therapy office. What they were more concerned about was that counseling for depression might be a waste of money. They would not even consider electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), or cognitive behavior therapy to treat my major depressive episode and other signs and symptoms of depression, like panic disorder, thyroid disorders, eating disorders, chronic pain, and physical illness, even if the American Psychiatric Association statistical manual recommends it. They could not fathom how talking and doing nothing else could make my mental illness (psychological factors) go away.

The thing was, I was pretty desperate at that point. I had not felt like myself for months, and I was tired of pretending to be happy in front of everyone. I eventually coaxed my parents to see that counseling for unipolar depression was the lesser evil than taking antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Thus, I scheduled a session with the crisis lifeline and called the nearest hospital emergency room immediately. I wanted to deflect my suicide attempts and engage in disease control.

Through The Psychiatrist, I Signed Up For My First Counseling Session

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What I Learned To Do With Depression Major Depressive Disorder During Counseling

According to the American Psychiatric Association and National Institute of Mental Health experts, counseling for mental disorders like severe major depression or severe depression was not awful, but it was not for people with heart disease. I had only been there for only one hour during the first session for my clinical depression, but I had already found myself sobbing.

The primary reason was that the counselor for depression would make you recall everything that happened in the past that might have contributed to the mental health conditions. For example, I might have set myself up for the illness when I refused to make friends with others when I was much younger. My condition might have just gotten full-blown because of the breakup and my inability to come out to my parents. Whenever I think about it, I feel sad.

To obtain an accurate diagnosis, I would like to share a few ideas I learned – and did – during counseling for my depression.

In Looking For Acceptance For Who I Was

I realized that it felt impossible for me to get accepted by my parents because I had not entirely accepted myself. I was a lesbian – I knew that – but a part of me might still not want to believe it. Hence, I was quick to assume that Mom and Dad would disown me if they found out.

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But the fact that I was still very much loved at home proved that my worries were baseless. I worked on changing how I viewed myself so that I could finally accept who I was.

How Coping With Negativities And Depression Made Me Feel Better

When I became single again, I finally considered the consequences of coming out. I did not think of that before because I had Trisha – I felt we could resolve any issues together. However, once she was gone, I stressed the possibility of getting bullied as I suffered from a loss of interest in life or not getting accepted by society because of my gender preference.

Luckily, I had a counselor to help me with effective treatments and a follow-up treatment to cope with my condition with depressing negativities. She taught me that others’ opinions did not matter. As long as I was happy and not walking all over everybody, haters could hate me anytime, and I should not be bothered and depressed.

Source: pexels.com

Decide On What I Want To Become In Life

Towards the end of my depression counseling journey, the counselor said, “Every improvement that you have made so far is appreciable, yes. But have you decided on what kind of person you want to be?”

The question caught me off-guard since no one had asked me that before. I was only 16 years old; I had not thought of that ever. After a few minutes of thinking, though, I replied, “I want to be an honest person. I know how it feels to lie to my loved one, and it’s not great. I will do my best to stay true to myself and stay away from my negative thoughts.”

Final Thoughts About My Journey Through Depression

Nine years later, I am now a certified gastroenterologist. I have fully embraced who I am and never needed to go back to counseling. Despite that, the lessons to fight my depressed mood and other depression symptoms, like drastic weight gain or weight loss, that I learned from my mental health professional will always stay in my heart and mind.

So if you have mental health issues, do not hesitate to seek treatment.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Depression A Disability?

Symptoms of depression can be disabling, but it’s not always considered a disability; however, cognitive-behavioral therapy can help manage these symptoms.

What’s The Highest Level Of Depression?

The highest level of depression is often diagnosed as “major depressive disorder,” and it should be evaluated by a health professional.

What Is The Main Cause Of Depression?

The main cause of depression can be related to mental health conditions and may require consultation with a mental health professional, while side effects from certain health conditions or medications can also contribute.

What Is The Most Common Way To Treat Depression?

The most common way to treat depression in people is through therapy and, in some cases, medication, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the individual’s health disorder.

What Is Meant By Persistent Depressive Disorder?

What Are 4 Depressive Disorders?

What Is The Most Common Form Of Depression?

Is Depression The Same As Depression?

What Are The Top 5 Depressive Symptoms?

What Are The 5 Suspected Causes Of Depression?

What Are The 3 Levels Of Depression?

What Are The 7 Forms Of Depression?

What Are The Three Types Of Depressive Disorders?

What Is The Most Serious Form Of Depression?

Is Depression Curable Or Just Treatable?

What Are The Cause Of Depression?

My disorder is referred to as severe depression. Whenever I tell people that I have had depression since I was 16, their reactions to mental illness are always similar. Someone would say, “You must have had a traumatic childhood to diagnose depression.” or “I hope you have gotten away from your parents.”

It’s Depressing! Depression Filled Everything


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According to the American Psychiatric Association, many people experience depression because of too much work and isolation. Some cases of depression happen because of physical or sexual abuse. Some are just seasonal affective disorder, treatment-resistant depression, or anxiety disorder. Children’s mental health is vulnerable to this. I did not have many friends growing up; I was mainly happy to stay in my room. Lastly, emotional and physical problems are partly caused by traumatic or stressful events, altered brain chemistry, recreational drugs, and weight gain.

Whenever I heard such depression-inducing things, I would tell those people to stop blaming everything on my parents as calmly as possible. They had nothing to do with my depression or my general mental health. It is unfair for my parents to be accused as the cause of my depression or become a source of the severe form of depression symptoms.

Granted, it happened when I was young – when I was living under their roof – but I went through some depression-worthy circumstances in life that they did not know of until the crap practically hit the fan. They weren’t aware we had a family history of chronic illness.

How I Discovered My Genuine True Self

Sadness And Confusion. The Experience Depressive Episodes

You see, I had always been a lonely person, and I didn’t know if that was depression or not. All I know is that I am having depression signs and symptoms all the time. I did not have many friends growing up; I was mainly happy to stay in my room, read a book, or watch TV with the family. Sometimes, my parents would feel the need to pay my cousins so that they would drag me out of the house and hang out with me.

During my not-so-called major depressive disorder moments, this worked for the most part, and I learned to like my cousins’ friends. However, when I turned 15 years old, we played Spin the Bottle. The basic idea was that whoever the bottle’s mouth would land on, they would choose who to kiss.

When it landed on a girl named Trisha, the boys oohed because they were eager to get chosen by a cute girl. But everyone went quiet when she pointed at me.


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Depression And Gender

Back in those days, girls kissing other girls was hardly a thing. And if there were ever a lesbian in the midst, you would know immediately because they wore boy clothes. However, Trisha was as girly as you could get with her skirts, long hair, and poise. Because of that, no one knew that she was batting for the same field until that moment.

What did I do, you might ask? I would be a wuss if I ran away, so I let Trisha kiss me. Her lips were so soft and tasted like strawberry due to her flavored Chapstick. I would not have known that we were kissing for a couple of minutes if my cousins did not pull her away from me.

I did not tell anyone about it, but that was the day I realized that I was a lesbian. What could cause depression in knowing that, right?

The Struggle With Depression At Its Worst

Before going home, I made my cousin’s promise to keep what happened a secret – especially from my parents. While they often told me that I should not have a boyfriend my age, I did not think they would appreciate it if I came to the house with a girlfriend. Luckily, my cousins were fantastic, so they vowed not to tell anyone about my gender discovery.


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The thing was, Trisha and I began to date soon after that. I guess it was a blessing in disguise that she could not come out to her parents as well, considering she was extra careful not to get caught when we were out. We could only be ourselves whenever we were behind closed doors, pretending to have slumber parties.

I was too naïve to think that my relationship with Trisha could go on forever. One day, she merely called to say that she was moving to another state with her parents. I said we could still make it work, but she did not even want to think about it. Everything shattered and felt depressingly uncomfortable.

Depressed: Emotional Agony

The breakup technically made me feel depressed, but what got me falling into depression was that I could not cry to my parents about it. They would get upset about me breaking their #1 rule. Then, their feelings might worsen if they learned that I was into girls.

Only when I started having suicidal thoughts that I felt the need to ask for major depressive disorder help.


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Depression And Gender Preference

My parents were both shell-shocked, of course. I got so good at hiding my gender preference and my depression from them that they did not see anything amiss in the last few months. We even celebrated my 16th birthday in the Bahamas, and they never saw a smile leave my face. So who would have thought I was struggling and having difficulty concentrating?

Decisions That Either Make Or Break Things

If I was honest, my mother took my severe symptoms a little worse than my father’s. As a traditional woman, it was challenging for her to accept that her only daughter might someday get married to another woman instead of a man. However, I begged her not to worry about that for now because I was still young, and anything could happen.

My parents took me to the only clinic with a mental health professional in the city proper for a diagnosis of my medical conditions. When doctors confirmed my depressive mood disorders, I felt more relieved than scared. Therapy and accurate diagnosis indeed are the beginning of disease control.

Finally, I had a name for psychosis symptoms (loneliness, chronic pain, loss of interest, emptiness, and darkness) I had been going through depression. All this time it was depression. Those suicidal thoughts are from depression.

It is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced.

Research suggests it is important to understand and treat depression. According to the experts of the national institute of health conditions, the risk factors are all about the absence of hope when it comes to mental health disorders like bipolar disorder or mood disorder (s) like premenstrual dysphoric disorder, postpartum depression, perinatal depression, and anxiety disorders.

According to the diagnostic and statistical manual, the physical symptoms of depression or depressive disorders are difficult to deal with as well. These can include digestive problems, heart disease, and more. But what’s the next step after that?

Always remember that if you need help with certain uncontrollable situations and medical conditions, you can choose effective treatments such as electroconvulsive therapy, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, cognitive behavioral therapy cbt, talk therapy, and brain stimulation therapies. Talk to your doctor to ensure you do not engage in activities that partake in suicide attempts.

Note: This is one-half of a two-part blog. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline if you need help to prevent depression or reduce symptoms.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Depression Means?

Depression means mental health symptoms in people that may require treatment.

Who Is Most Likely To Suffer From Depression?

People with certain health conditions are most likely to experience symptoms of depression.

Is Depression A Serious Thing?

Yes, depression, along with bipolar disorder and other mental health conditions, is a serious thing that can significantly affect a person’s mental well-being and their ability to make decisions.

What Is The Result Of Depression?

The result of depression, which is a depressive disorder, can include side effects like loss of interest in activities and a negative impact on overall well-being.

What Are The Top 5 Major Depression Symptoms?

What Are The 4 Causes Of Clinical Depression?

What Are The 11 Symptoms Of Persistent Depressive Disorder?

What Depression Does Do To The Brain?

What Depression Does Do To The Human Body?

How Do You Know If You’re Losing Your Mind?

What Color Means Sadness?

What Are The Two Kinds Of Depression?

How To Fight Anxiety?

What Are The 3 Stages Of Depression?

How Do You Confirm If You Have Depression?


Questions About Dysthymic Condition

I got diagnosed with dysthymia before I dealt with gastroenteritis. The latter was technically a result of my depressive disorder, considering there were months pre-diagnosis when I would not eat for up to a week. It took a toll on my mental health. Because of my depression, part of me did not want to live; another part of me wanted to see how long I could stay without eating and keeling over. One day, when I felt super dehydrated, I ended up drinking the contaminated water from the faucet, causing me to have a viral infection.

A girl with curly hair is laying on the couch while looking at the ceiling.

Source: pexels.com

A few days at the hospital could have made anyone rethink their life choices and want to get rid of all their issues. However, it was challenging to do for someone with dysthymia like me.  

What Is Dysthymic Illness?

Dysthymia, also known as Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD), is a type of mood disorder that is characterized by a persistent low mood or depressed mood or state that lasts for at least two years in adults or one year in children and adolescents. It’s a long term health condition. That means this condition is often chronic, with individuals experiencing symptoms that are less severe than those of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) but last much longer.

Prevalence And Incidence

Prevalence and incidence rates of persistent depressive disorder vary depending on the population studied and the diagnostic criteria used. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the estimated lifetime prevalence of it in the United States is around 1.5%, with a slightly higher prevalence of depressive disorder in women than in men.

Symptoms Of Dysthymic Illness

“Persistent depressive” means that it lasts for a long time — persistent. It has several cognitive behavioral effects. As a disorder, it also has negative effects on health.

They can be categorized into emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms. Emotional symptoms may include feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and worthlessness, while behavioral symptoms may include social withdrawal, decreased productivity, and lack of interest in activities. Physical symptoms may include fatigue, poor appetite or overeating, and sleep disturbances.

To be diagnosed, an individual must exhibit symptoms that persist for at least two years, with no more than two months of symptom-free periods during that time.

It is important to note that this can co-occur with other mental health conditions, such as comorbid anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and MDD. Therefore, a mental health professional must conduct a thorough assessment to rule out other conditions and provide appropriate combination treatment such as randomized controlled trial tests, talk therapy, or interpersonal psychotherapy.

The Persistency

This is a persistent depressive disorder characterized by low mood, behavioral changes, and physical symptoms lasting at least two years. While the prevalence of the disorder is relatively low, it can significantly impact an individual’s daily functioning and quality of life. Early recognition and treatment are crucial for improving outcomes and reducing the risk of co-occurring mental health conditions. Treatment for dysthymic disorder might vary from person to person.

Causes And Risk Factors

The causes of this are complex and multifactorial. The illness is believed to arise from a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

According to experts at the American psychiatric association, biological factors, such as genetics, neurotransmitter imbalances, and hormonal changes, may contribute to the development. Studies have suggested that there may be a genetic component to the illness, with a higher incidence of Dysthymia in individuals with a family history of mood disorders. Neurotransmitter imbalances, specifically imbalances in serotonin and norepinephrine, have also been implicated in the development of the illness. Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during the menstrual cycle or menopause, may also be a contributing factor.

Psychological Factors

Psychological factors can also play a role in the development. Personality disorders or traits such as introversion, neuroticism, and perfectionism have been associated with a higher risk of developing the illness. Negative thinking patterns, such as ruminating on past stressful life events or catastrophizing future events, can also contribute to the persistence of the low mood characteristic of Dysthymia. Past traumatic experiences, such as abuse or neglect, may also increase the risk of developing the illness.

Environmental factors, such as chronic stress, substance abuse, and social isolation, can also contribute to the development. Chronic stressors, such as financial difficulties or relationship problems, can increase the risk of developing the illness. Substance or drug abuse, including alcohol and drug use, can also contribute to the development and persistence of milder symptoms. Social isolation or a lack of social support can increase the risk of developing Dysthymia, as social support has been shown to be protective against mood disorders.

It arises from a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. While the exact cause of the illness is unknown, understanding these contributing factors can help healthcare professionals develop appropriate treatment plans and support strategies for individuals suffering from it.

Can It Be Cured?

There are no known cures to prevent persistent depressive conditions. Also, it may not be cured through a medicine-based approach since this condition is more complex than we might think. However, people who live with it can live a life of happiness and contentment. Make sure that you surround yourself with people who can support and understand you while managing depression. 

What Does Dysthymia Mean?

Dysthymia is a long-term and chronic form of major depression. It can be characterized by feelings of loss of interest, hopelessness, laziness, and low self-esteem that can last for years, which can also affect your daily life, relationships, and school or work. For other people, if you have an early onset dysthymia, you can be described as gloomy with the incapability of having fun, and you may tend to complain a lot. 

A girl with long wavy hair wearing a dress is looking to her right with a pensive expression.

Source: pexels.com

What Condition Does A Client With Dysthymia Have?

If a person is diagnosed with dysthymia, they have chronic depression. This condition is also known as Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD). Again, this condition is much like any other form of minor depression with the effects of its symptoms; however, PDD can last for years. As a result, people diagnosed with PDD or dysthymia can lose interest in daily life and become more withdrawn. This is not something they can control, as this is part of what they are diagnosed with. Disorders aren’t something people can manage easily, especially major depression.

What Is The Best Medication For People Who Suffers From This?

People with the illness are often left undertreated as they only can visit their family doctors, where they only report physical symptoms. If you are looking for the perfect medication for this diagnosis, treatment, and cure are the same for any major form of depression. The most common drugs to take are selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or dual-action antidepressants. You must not self-medicate; always check with your doctor before taking any pills.

Is Dysthymia A Disorder?

Yes, it is. It is also known as Persistent Depressive Disorder or PDD. This is a relatively new diagnosis that combines the two earlier types of dysthymia and a chronic form of depression. Much like all the other forms of depression, PDD can also cause a feeling of great sadness and even hopelessness, which may affect your mood and even your behavior. 

Is Dysthymia A Form Of Bipolar?

It falls under the category of mental disorders, but no, it is not a form of bipolar disorder, but it co-occurs with other mental illnesses. It is a double depression where it happens along with the dysthymia that was previously diagnosed. However, if a person switches from Dysthymic moods to hypomanic moods, this can sign a mild form of bipolar disorder. 

A girl is looking down into shattered glass

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How Do I Know If I Am Bipolar?

This can be a different experience for different people. Some might have a difficult time sleeping, while others tend to sleep a little too much. It can sometimes feel quite overwhelming, especially with feelings of failure, the death of a loved one, or even guilt. This can then trigger suicidal thoughts. Other signs you could look out for are difficulty focusing, forgetfulness, poor concentration, and over or under-eating.

What Is A Bipolar Person Like?

Those diagnosed with bipolar illness can go through both episodes of major depression and episodes of mania or an overwhelming feeling of joy, excitement, a lesser need for sleep or rest, and bursts of energy. This can be different for many people, meaning that the experience is unique for other people, so bipolar illness does not have a particular look or type. 

Can A Bipolar Person Truly Love?

Everyone in this world is entitled to love and be loved. As someone with bipolar illness, you might feel scared to involve yourself in a romantic relationship because you would never really know when the right time is to spring the information on your partner. Still, of course, you can genuinely love and be loved. As long as you keep yourself honest with your partner, stick with your treatment, and make sure that you are keeping an open line of communication with the person you are involved with.

What Are The Four Types Of Bipolar?

The four types of bipolar are Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic disorder, and Mixed features. The first type can involve periods of severe mood episodes. The second type is a milder type of mood elevation, which also involves mild hypomania, which alternates with severe depression. Cyclothymic condition means there are brief periods of depressive symptoms that may not be as bad as fully hypomanic episodes. Lastly, mixed features are all these different symptoms of opposite mood polarities. 

At What Age Do Signs Of Bipolar Appear?

Signs of bipolar illness can start early due to childhood trauma; however, it is more uncommon than adults. This only happens to at least 3% of the recorded cases. Signs may start to show up during the late teenage years to early adulthood, but this can also happen to children again. So, make sure to keep a lookout for the different signs of bipolar illness no matter the age. 

What Triggers A Bipolar Episode?

Triggers for bipolar episodes are lack of sleep or a change in your sleeping patterns, sudden bursts of anger or emotions, stress from heartaches, alcohol, and substance abuse, and antidepressants and other medications. However, this can be different for other people as bipolar is a very personal experience, making every one unique. 

A girl wearing a white button down is look at her reflection in the mirror.

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Signs Of Bipolar In A Woman?

There are many different signs that both men and women with bipolar illness can experience. There are no specific signs for one gender. Still, the symptoms are usually: irritation, bursts of energy, reduced amounts of sleep, increased frequency in talking, rapid speech flows, being easily distracted, and even an increased or decreased appetite. These are signs that both men and women share who live with bipolar illness. 

What Are At Least Four Manifestations Of Dysthymic Condition?

How Does Dysthymia Affect The Ability To Work?

What Triggers Dysthymic Condition?

Can People With Dysthymia Ever Be Happy?

What Is A Relationship Like With Someone With Dysthymia?

Final Thoughts

I am still lightyears away from feeling like my old, cheerful self due to my depressive disorder. It might not even happen in this lifetime, given that it was a chronic mental condition. Despite that, I finally found a good balance between my emotions and actions, and I no longer starved to death. I would say that’s a significant win over my chronic depression, to be honest.


Frequently Asked Questions About What Are Eating Disorders

People with eating disorders suffer from severe disturbances with food and their body image. As a result, their eating behaviors and mindset suffers, which often results in numerous health issues.

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Eating disorders affect millions of people worldwide, regardless of age and background. Around 9% of the global population suffers from an eating disorder. These conditions typically appear during the teenage years or may develop over the years, often between 12 and 35.

The three primary types of eating-related disorders are binge eating disorder, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia nervosa. In the early stages, patients are often in denial that they have a problem. 

People with these eating disorders are extremely critical of their bodies and tend to have low self-esteem. There is an intense fear of gaining a few pounds or being overweight, leading to a dangerous course of action.

Eating disorders frequently occur with other mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It can develop genetically and may run in families. At the same time, researchers are also studying how eating disorders develop from a combination of factors. It includes biological, social, psychological, and behavioral factors.

When not addressed, the physical and emotional symptoms of eating disorders can result in fatal health conditions. As you develop an unhealthy eating behavior, it impacts the appropriate nutrition your body is getting. It can result in malnutrition, cardiovascular problems, digestive issues, and diseases in the teeth and mouth.

However, with medical care, people with eating disorders can develop sustainable eating habits and improve their overall health.

For more information, here are the frequently asked questions about eating disorders.

Is seeing a therapist free?

There are various options for you to see a therapist for free. Chances are, there are community centers near or around your area that offer free to low-cost therapy options. You can try looking it up online or checking in with your state government. On the other hand, some private therapists offer the first session for free. Some organizations provide free to low-cost teletherapy.

Can you choose to have an eating disorder?

No, eating disorders are not a choice. This line of thinking is one of the most common misconceptions about eating disorders. Eating disorders are illnesses that are not solely about food. Patients with eating disorders typically turn to or away from food because they deal with difficult emotions or situations. If left untreated, it could turn deadly as it has one of the highest mortality rates among mental illnesses.

How often should you meet with your therapist?

It depends on many factors, including the treatment you’re receiving, your therapist, and most of all, your schedule. However, many therapists have suggested that you should meet at least once a week in general. In some cases, meeting every three weeks might still workable, but more than that is not worth it. It would be harder to make progress with more gaps between sessions, especially if you’re still getting to know your therapist and vice versa.

Is therapy worth the price?

Because it’s an investment in your health, therapy is worth the price. Effective therapy doesn’t instantly cure your illness per se, but it gives you the necessary tools you can use to confront your troubles. When you step out of the counseling room, you should be able to apply what you learned eventually. With the tools and insights your therapist gives you, you’ll know how to process and understand things even on your own.

Why do therapists charge so much?

As with other professions, therapists charge so much because it costs a lot to become educated and licensed. Other reasons why include the overhead costs of a practice. If you’re finding it too expensive, consider checking with your insurance if it’s covered or looking into a community or public health center.

What is orthorexia?

Orthorexia is a disorder that has to do with an obsession with nutritional or healthy food. Rather than the amount of food, the quality of the food is the central focus of orthorexics. They frequently check nutritional information and food labels. Those who suffer from orthorexia avoid eating out or eating food prepared by others. They also tend to worry about cleanliness and fear sickness from “bad” food.

How common is anorexia?

Anorexia nervosa affects both women and men. With women, around 0.3 to 0.4 percent of young women suffer from the illness. On the other hand, men are just as prone to suffering anorexia. Studies have found that men make up 10 percent of those found with anorexia nervosa.

How do I eat less?

If you’re trying to eat less, you should ensure you don’t go hungry or starve in the process. What’s more, you should still eat healthy, well-balanced meals. Your meals should be filling enough to last a little more than a couple of hours. Consider increasing the portion of vegetables on your plate. Make sure you have lean protein with every meal and drink water afterward. Lastly, you should eat mindfully–no distractions allow you to eat without unknowingly binging.

What is Bigorexia disorder?

Bigorexia or muscle dysmorphia occurs when you are overly-fixated on your body being too small or having too little muscle. Those who suffer from bigorexia tend to spend hours in the gym, obsess over what they eat, and perceive their body as not good enough. Bigorexics can become prone to steroid misuse, depression, and suicidal thoughts.

Source: flickr.com

Why do I struggle with eating?

You might struggle with eating because you are responding to a difficult situation. Usually, eating problems are not solely about being hungry and wanting food. When you struggle with eating, you might find it stems from trauma or low self-esteem. Other times, it’s your surroundings that make you turn to or away from food.

What does Diabulimia mean?

Diabulimia is a combination of the words “diabetes” and “bulimia.” It describes the condition of having an eating disorder and diabetes simultaneously. The term “diabulimia” is not an official medical term. Instead, doctors usually give a dual diagnosis. There’s a term particular to the two conditions because those with diabulimia tend to manipulate their insulin administration.

Who is most likely to have an eating disorder?

There is no particular demographic that is at risk of eating disorders. Instead, there are those with certain traits that are prone to developing eating disorders. These traits include having a pre-existing mental condition or having a close relative with an eating disorder. Perfectionism and a negative self-image are also factors that lead to eating disorders. Often, a combination of these traits is at play and puts the person at risk.

What is the mortality rate of anorexia?

For every 1000 persons, 5.1 persons die directly due to anorexia nervosa annually. Studies have shown that anorexia has the highest and deadliest mortality rate among all eating disorders. On top of that, eating disorders are second to opioid overdose in terms of mortality.

How long can anorexia last?

There is no specific time as to how long anorexia lasts. Recovery from anorexia is how long it takes you to recover and how long you stay recovered. It all depends on the treatment you are receiving, your support systems, and your self-will. The process isn’t a walk in the park, but it is possible to recover from it completely.

What food kills hunger?

High-fiber or high-protein foods and foods with healthy fats all curb or “kill” hunger. Examples include vegetables like broccoli, apples, avocados, and whole grains. High-protein foods can be lean meat, soy products, Greek yogurt, and eggs. If you’re looking for dessert, studies have shown that dark chocolate effectively suppresses your appetite.

Source: pixabay.com

Regardless of your age, background, weight, and gender, you can suffer from eating disorders. However, many studies say that the condition is more prevalent in women. Regardless, it results in having a distorted sense of body image and a negative outlook on food.

There is a way to recover from eating disorders. It’s vital to seek medical treatment in the early stages for eating disorders because people with eating disorders are at risk for medical complications and suicide. Recovery takes time, and the treatment path is different for everyone. But a complete recovery is possible.

An eating disorder specialist can take care of you. They can diagnose by getting your medical history and conducting a physical exam and other tests. It’s important to be honest, and clear about your eating habits for an accurate diagnosis. It is only through which that they can provide you with the best care possible. 

Treatment will vary depending on the type of eating disorder. But most of it would involve regular health check-ups and talking therapy. Depending on the patient’s needs, the treatment may be a combination of psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, and medications. 

Most eating disorders are best addressed through individual therapy. But most binge eating disorders involve group therapy. The eating disorder specialist will also provide a guided self-help program for continuous treatment.

The chance for complete recovery increases the earlier the detection is. As such, it’s crucial to identify warning signs of eating disorders. If you have concerns about the eating behavior of yourself or someone you know, it’s important to seek immediate professional help.

Mental Wellness And Digestion – Habits That Improve Digestive System

Do you often feel that there is something wrong with your body that you just could not explain? Do you always suffer from an upset stomach? If that is the case, then your body telling you that something is not right. An upset stomach serves as a warning of an assisted digestive system. However, its damage is not limited to physical aspects only because there is a tendency for the gut microbiome and inflammation to affect the brain. That is because better digestive health problems are also associated with mental health conditions since they are sensitive to different types of emotions such as anxiety, sadness, anger, and even depression. But there is no need to be alarmed. There are healthy habits to improve digestive system wellness, and here are a few tips you can consider.

Source: pixabay.com

Eat A Considerable Amount Of Fiber

The consumption of a significant amount of soluble fiber is vital for the digestive system to function properly. It feeds the healthy bacteria with enough nutrients while eliminating toxins and other harmful wastes from the body. When prebiotic fibers are digested, it nourish the healthy bacteria naturally present in the body by lowering cholesterol levels and reducing the risk of inflammation along the lining of your gut. It reduces the chances of having irritable bowel syndrome IBS and prevents the possible risk of developing colon cancer. The primary sources of a high-fiber diet are nuts, beans, vegetables, and fruits. So eat a high-fiber food always and enhance nutrient absorption. Also, aside from fruits and vegetables, stick with foods with good bacteria or gut bacteria to help with irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel. Not only that, eating healthy also helps with weight loss and other digestive problems.

Regularly Consume Fish

Fish is one of the most significant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are very beneficial to keep your digestive system healthy. That is due to its anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent various conditions or issues. The fatty acids energize the healthy bacteria in your gut and help your memory as you age as the nutrients play a significant role in brain development. With that, it is vital to consume at least 3 to 5 servings of fish per week. Some of the fish choices you can consider are tuna, salmon, and sardines. If in case you can’t consume enough fish in a week, you can consider eating flax seeds, nuts, and soy, for they also contain enough omega-3 fatty acids.

Look for better ways to improve digestive function

Source: pixabay.com

Eliminate The Consumption Of Junk Foods

Junk food is genuinely one of the most harmful foods to consume. Not only does it cause an increased risk of obesity, but it is also a known cause of certain diseases like cardiovascular diseases, non-alcoholic fatty liver, type 2 diabetes, and other forms of cancers. Junk food damages the digestive system because it influences unhealthy bacteria to cause metabolic illness. Also, besides its caloric bomb, these damaging foods, such as fatty foods, tend to contain too much sodium in them. This harmful chemical in foods increases the risk of high blood pressure development, causing major health problems, particularly stroke and heart disease.

Spend Time To Eat Well

It is not new information that a lot of experts require you to spend time eating well. It is essential to note that digestion starts in the mouth, where it chews and processes the food before it gets down to your stomach. Do not just swallow food. It is necessary to chew the food so that the enzymes in the saliva can break down carbohydrates. When that happens, it becomes convenient for digestion since the gut will not exert too much effort and energy in the digestion process. Also, ensure that you do not eat in large quantities, especially before going to bed, for this will cause an upset stomach, digestive tract, or irritable bowel conditions.

Source: pixabay.com

Drink Plenty Of Water

Too many caffeinated drinks, such as soda and coffee, can damage the gut. It can harm your health because the water in your stomach that keeps healthy bacteria gets thrown out of balance. Caffeinated beverages tend to alter the gut microbiome’s function when they get filled with too many acids. When that happens, it can cause a variety of diseases, such as acid reflux and heartburn. Therefore, it is vital to reduce its consumption and hydrate the body with water. Water helps eliminate gut problems, facilitates a healthy digestive process, and promotes a better immune system. Thus, you have to include the hydration process in your diet.

Reduce And Manage Stress

Perhaps you often experience things at school, work, or at home that are not going smoothly. It makes you feel stressed, and this particular thing affects your gut, whether you believe it or not. Too much stress tends to disrupt the normal functioning of microorganisms in your intestines. Also, it gets tied to your poor diet because you are more likely to eat unhealthy food when you are stressed, which creates a bacterial imbalance that eventually somehow impacts your mood. You can also try to exercise regularly to keep your mind and body healthy.

Source: pixabay.com

These are simple changes that promise to improve the quality of your digestive system. If you try to incorporate these into your life, your gut will surely thank you. But remember to consult an expert first before making any changes in your healthful diet and lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Strengthen My Digestive System?

What Are 10 Ways To Keep The Digestive System Healthy?

What Are The 5 Ways That You Can Improve Your Digestion?

What Foods Heal The Gut Lining?

What causes poor digestion?

How can I repair my digestive system naturally?

What are the 7 ways to improve your gut health?

What are the symptoms of a bad digestive system?

How do you treat poor digestion?

How can I clean my stomach and intestines naturally?

What fruit is best for gut health?

How do I reset my GI digestive tract?

Does apple cider vinegar help with digestion?

What drink is best for gut health?

What naturally kills bad bacteria in the gut?



Family’s Guide To Protecting And Improving Digestive System

The digestive system is one of the most diverse and complicated systems in the human body. It is where specific parts work in complete unison to accomplish a single task. It serves to transform raw elements of an array of food into the energy and nutrients needed to keep humans functioning and alive. But despite that well-known information, a lot of people take their digestive systems for granted. Some examples of their bad habits are not eating healthy and nutritious food, not drinking enough water, and taking too many substances that can potentially damage the digestive function. Good thing there are ways to improve the digestive system, and here are some of the following.

Source: pixabay.com

Chew Food Thoroughly – Chewing is the most underrated process that a lot of people fail to recognize. It is a requirement for proper digestion because of chewing’s ability to break down large pieces of food into smaller particles. When food gets chewed properly, it becomes significant in creating the mouth’s saliva, which is essential for its digestive enzymes. Also, chewing food into smaller particles reduces stress in the esophagus and reduces excess lingering bacteria in the intestines. Thus, it makes the whole digestive system more capable of absorbing nutrients from the food. Chewing for about 20 to 30 times also contributes to the better taste of the food.

Eat A Lot Of Fiber – Fiber plays a significant role in the digestive system. With its soluble property, it promotes a healthy digestive tract flow. It allows food to move through the intestines quickly, making it convenient for digestion. It keeps bowel movements soft and regular as it absorbing excess water in the intestines. Fiber also helps in cleaning the colon cells to keeps the overall function of the digestive organs active and healthy. Some examples of the good sources of fibers are beans, nuts, oatmeal, apples, berries, citrus, pear, and barley. When still unsure if the food contains fiber, just stick with the unprocessed and natural produce.

Source: pixabay.com

Eat Warm Food – A lot of people have this habit of cooling down their meals before eating. However, there is a significant reason why it is important to eat warm food. That is because warm food gets easily digested when swallowed compared to cold ones. Also, eating warm food helps prepare the body and give it more time to relax while eating. So when there is a slow meal intake process, it helps the body avoid using excess energy only to break down food particles. Thus, it would be best to incorporate soups or tea in the diet.

Drink Enough Water – Water is entirely essential for the proper function of the digestive system. It is the main component that delivers the food to the cells so that the body can easily absorb the nutrients and minerals. And aside from water’s intestinal fluid regulation, it also aids in the easy elimination of excess energy nutrients. Water also supports all functions of the body’s digestive system, including breaking those particles that are not appropriately chewed, keeping the food warm, and flushing down unwanted food debris in the gut.

Source: pixabay.com

Drink Less Alcohol – Contrary to what others falsely believe, alcohol does not help in digestive function. In fact, it is the other way around. Alcohol slows down nutrient absorption, sprains the stomach muscles, and interferes with acid secretion. It disrupts the flow of good bacteria in the digestive system and replaces it with bad ones. Alcohol carries the bad bacteria from the stomach and passes it onto the small intestine, where it tends to produce a toxic compound called endotoxin. Too much alcohol leads to acid reflux, which eventually causes inflammation to the tissue of the digestive tract. It then leads to gassiness, delayed digestion, diarrhea, and vomiting. In some unfortunate cases, it results in gastritis, internal bleeding, and ulcers.

Cut Down In Sugar – Sugar is an essential component that fuels the body. However, too much of it is dangerous, not only for the digestive system but for the overall bodily function. Sugar contains fructose, and when overeaten, it stays in the gut for an extended period. It causes gastrointestinal bloating. It is when sugar draws water in the large intestine and prevents it from being adequately absorbed. Over time, sugar promotes inflammation in the bloodstream that leads to certain diseases such as stroke and heart failure.

Source: pixabay.com

It is vital that you understand your commitment to keeping you and your family’s health a top priority. These are just some of the following things you can do to protect and improve your family’s digestive systems. Some of these habits are easy to follow, so there is no point in making excuses not to practice them. You can always choose improvements. Every lifestyle changes you make for the better can go a long way.