Daily Archives: September 30, 2019

Is Juicing Good For You?

Source: pixabay.com

I tend to call myself a diet explorer. Some people think that I am a diet junkie, but I believe that’s a little too much. I am merely all for trying new things that will allow me to get all the nutrients I need. If it means I have to try every single method out there, then you will see me all over it.

One of the dieting techniques that I have been eyeing for some time now is juicing. I have friends who have gone on a seven- or 10-day juice cleanse, you see. They said that it seemed impossible to go through the second day without eating anything, but things became bearable over time. After the cleanse, my friends would occasionally do it for a couple of days, especially when they feel like they have overeaten.

So, as a natural sucker for new diets, I eventually tried juicing, too. Here are a few benefits that I have experienced after a while.

Consume More Fruits And Vegetables

Source: pixabay.com

The first advantage of juicing is that you can consume more fruits and vegetables than usual. When you are a regular wage-earner in the metro like me, it is no surprise if you prefer to buy a $1 burger from McDonald’s than get $10 worth of organic foods. You will still have to prepare the latter while you can already eat the former as soon as it gets handed to you. Not to mention, picky eaters tend to avoid natural foods that don’t taste good.

Once you start juicing, though, you will not care about the price of vegetables and fruits. The taste will not matter much as well because you can combine kale and other bitter greens with sweet fruits. The result is that you can gain more nutrition than when you eat conventionally.

Boost Immune System

When all I was consuming was junk foods, my health was not in tiptop shape. Every time I would get rained on, I would have a cold or cough the next day. When someone in the office or bus sneezes next to me, I would be a sneezing mess soon, too.

However, after juicing, my immune system has gotten stronger than ever. Now, I can be in the rain for hours and not even sneeze. I don’t need to wear a face mask in public anymore in fear of catching another person’s virus. It has been a while since I had a fever as well.

Improve Skin Health

Perhaps because of the healthy components that are in the juice, I feel like my skin appears to be youthful and dewy. I used to have adult acne, but the spots seemed to reduce little by little. In truth, my friends were pushing me to tell them my secret regimen, but it was just juicing.

Is Juicing Good For You?

Source: pixabay.com

In my opinion, yes. It does not seem that way in the beginning because you will not consume solid foods. However, when you think more about it, you will realize that you will be able to get more nutrition in this manner. You do not need to do it all your life, but it will not hurt to try it a bit.

Good luck!