Category Archives: Management & Treatment

Bite into Therapy: How Eating Can Help Heal Your Mind

Food is a universal language that brings people together, comforts the soul and satisfies our cravings. It has the power to evoke memories and emotions, and it can also have therapeutic benefits for our mental health. While traditional therapy sessions focus on verbal communication, incorporating food into therapy can provide a unique and engaging approach to self-discovery and healing.

The Power of Food Therapy

Food therapy, also known as culinary therapy, is a form of therapy that uses food as a tool for self-expression and exploration. In a food therapy session, individuals are encouraged to explore their relationship with food, emotions, and their body. This can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their eating habits and the emotional triggers that influence their food choices. By utilizing the sensory experiences of taste, smell, and touch, food therapy can provide a powerful and effective way to process emotions and promote healing.

The Benefits of Food Therapy

Food therapy has a number of benefits that can improve mental health and overall wellbeing. Some of these benefits include:

Reducing Stress and Anxiety

Food can be a source of comfort and a distraction from stress and anxiety. In food therapy sessions, individuals can learn coping strategies to manage stress and anxiety through their relationship with food. Additionally, cooking and preparing food can also be a form of mindfulness that helps to calm the mind and reduce stress levels.

Improving Self-Awareness and Body Image

Food therapy sessions provide individuals with a safe space to explore their relationship with food and their bodies. By examining the emotional triggers that influence their food choices, individuals can gain a better understanding of their thoughts and behaviors. This can help to improve self-awareness and body image, promoting positive body image and reducing disordered eating behaviors.

Building Relationships and Connections

Food has the power to bring people together, and food therapy sessions can be a fun and engaging way to build relationships and connections with others. Sharing a meal with others can create a sense of community and support, providing individuals with a sense of belonging and reducing feelings of isolation.

Breaking Negative Eating Habits

Food therapy can help individuals break negative eating habits by exploring the emotional triggers that influence their food choices. By examining the relationship between emotions and eating behaviors, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their habits and develop strategies to overcome them.

Tips for Incorporating Food Therapy into Your Life

While food therapy is often conducted by a licensed therapist, there are simple ways to incorporate food therapy into your daily life. Here are some tips to get started:

Explore New Cuisines

Exploring new cuisines can be a fun and exciting way to broaden your palate and experience different cultures and flavors. Here are some tips to help you explore new cuisines:

  1. Try a new restaurant: Visit a restaurant that specializes in a cuisine that you have never tried before. This can be a great way to taste new dishes and get a sense of the flavors and ingredients that are typical in that cuisine.
  2. Experiment with recipes at home: Look for recipes online or in cookbooks that feature cuisines that you have never tried before. Try cooking the dishes at home and experiment with different ingredients and spices to find your favorite flavor combinations.
  3. Take a cooking class: Taking a cooking class can be a fun and interactive way to learn about different cuisines. You can learn about the ingredients, cooking techniques, and cultural traditions behind each cuisine.
  4. Travel: Traveling to different countries and experiencing the local food is one of the best ways to explore new cuisines. Whether you’re trying street food or dining in a restaurant, traveling gives you the opportunity to taste authentic dishes and learn about the cultural significance of food.
  5. Join a foodie group: Join a foodie group in your community or online to find others who share your love of food. You can attend food events, cook together, and try new restaurants and recipes together.

By trying new dishes, ingredients, and flavors, you can expand your palate and learn about different cultures and cuisines. Remember to be open-minded and adventurous, and don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new.


Incorporating food into therapy can provide a unique and engaging approach to self-discovery and healing. Whether through food therapy sessions or incorporating food therapy techniques into your daily life, exploring your relationship with food can have a profound impact on your mental health and overall well-being. So next time you sit down for a meal, take a moment to reflect on how it makes you feel and how it may be influencing your thoughts and emotions. Remember, food has the power to heal and bring joy, and incorporating it into your therapy journey can be a delicious and therapeutic experience.

Tips On Creating A Diet Plan Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic

The spread of COVID-19 is affecting every aspect of our lives right now, and this includes food-related practices. More and more groceries and supermarkets are operating on a limited time table, if not closed. Some restaurants only allow takeaways as well. Lastly, a couple of items on your grocery list might not be available in the stores due to supply constraints.

Despite these happenings, it is essential that we still take good care of our health. It is also crucial while we’re in the middle of the pandemic since we need a healthy immune system to fight back the virus. With this in mind, here are some tips that can help you draft your diet plan despite the said crisis.

Plan Ahead

Do not just think about what you’re going to prepare for you and your family for the next three days. Instead, you should visualize your meals from breakfast to dinner for at least a week. You have to consider which viands you have to prepare, the exact ingredients needed, the food preparation method, and the amount of time and energy you will need to make the meals.


Once you have listed down everything you need, that’s the only time you should go to the grocery. Take note that you should minimize your trips to crowded places like these as it’s too dangerous. Therefore, make sure to maximize your shopping time by buying enough stocks for 1 to 2 weeks.

Prioritize Fresh Products

You should also make it to the point that you maximize the food available in your pantry. However, you should know how to prioritize. The most important rule that you need to keep in mind is to use the fresh ingredients first or utilize those with shorter shelf life.

Examples of these include reduced-fat dairy products, vegetables, and fruits. One technique for your fruits and vegetables to last long is by freezing them. Do not worry as they will retain their original nutrient profile despite staying inside the refrigerator.


Listed below are some nutrition-packed food that has longer shelf lives.

  • Grains: frozen brown rice, instant oatmeal, refrigerated pizza crust, couscous, and quick-cooking pasta
  • Bread: whole-grain English muffins, bread, bagels, corn tortillas, frozen whole wheat waffles, and wraps
  • Sauce: salsa and tomato pasta sauce
  • 100% Juice: shelf-stable cartons, canned, frozen
  • Eggs: egg whites in packages, fresh eggs
  • Soup and Broths: shelf-stable cartons, frozen, canned
  • Vegetables: plain frozen, sun-dried, low sodium canned, sturdy fresh vegetables (onions, potatoes, broccoli, and celery)
  • Fruits: plain frozen, dried, canned in water or juice, and sturdy fresh fruit (citrus and apple)
  • Cheese: cubed or grated hard cheese
  • Nuts and seeds: canned, bagged, nut butter
  • Seafood: fish fillet, canned tuna, sardines, and salmon, and frozen shrimp
  • Frozen chicken, pork, and beef

Control Portion Sizes

Being at home for an extended period due to lockdowns and quarantine may lead to overeating. Partner this with this inactivity, then you’re prone to a health disaster. Therefore, if you’re drafting your diet plan, make sure that your portion sizes are at par with the standard.

You can do this by seeking assistance from national food-based dietary guidelines. Here you’ll find what constitutes a right yet healthy portion. Be mindful that adults and young children have different allocations, and you need to consider this when preparing a meal.

“The healthiest meals emphasize whole grains, vegetables, and fruits—serve them in the greatest amounts. Meat portions should be smaller—this will save money and help keep dietary saturated fat in check,” share Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Ph.D., RD, FAND, and co-authors.

Try Online Shopping


We’re living in the digital age now. Most food companies who are trying to control their losses brought about by the pandemic are now extending their services via the online platform. As a household, you should utilize this approach. It will not only save you a lot of time but will also minimize your people-to-people interaction.

Keep in mind, however, that unlike supermarkets, you have to wait for a day or two to receive or pick up your orders. Therefore, it is vital to plan and manage your groceries.

Limit Sugar Intake

The World Health Organization recommends a maximum of 6 teaspoons of sugar intake per day. This amount is equivalent to less than 5 percent of an adult’s total energy intake; therefore, if you crave for something sweet, better to consume fresh fruits than any other delicious dessert.

Always remember that one can still achieve proper nutrition amid these unfortunate circumstances. All you have to do is follow the tips above and partner this with a physically active lifestyle.

How To Be Strong For A Loved One Who Is Sick 

One of the worst things that could happen in your life is finding out that the person you love is suffering from a disease. It hurts to see your husband go through a lot of pain, especially if you think that he does not deserve any of it. At the same time, it can also give rise to some financial troubles since hospital bills and medications usually go up as the sickness becomes serious. Because of this, it can be easy to show depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, sadness, and grief. Unfortunately, the more you show that your beloved one’s illness affects you, the more painful it will be on his part. 



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Healthy Eating For Kids And Teenagers


Tiredness during exams is the leading enemy of students. There are several reasons why you feel tired. It is either you have had a lot of projects to do the night before, so you have no choice but to sleep late. You have crammed and tried to learn all your lessons in one night. Or, you have a poor diet.

No, the last bit is not a typographical error. Your diet truly affects your school performance more than anything else.

To improve your life, you should remember the following ideas:

Eat Foods Rich In Iron And Vitamin B

Iron is the mineral in your blood that fights anemia, while vitamin B keeps your nerves healthy. If you consume foods that are rich in both, your brain cells can function well, and you can concentrate more on your studies. What are those foods rich in iron and vitamin B, you ask? Some of them are chicken, fish, beans, cereals, and practically any green and leafy vegetables. They are great in strengthening your memory, as well as keeping you fit.

Avoid Too Much Caffeine


When studying for a big exam, try to avoid too much caffeine. More than the adrenaline rush that coffee or tea can give you, you need your brain to work correctly while still getting the nutrients that your body needs. Therefore, drink milk or fruit juices instead.

Eat More Than 3x A Day

We are always told to eat thrice a day – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – but the truth is that we need to eat 5-7 meals in one day (in moderation, of course). Take a small meal every 2-3 hours so that your stomach will always be sated, and you are getting enough nutrients to keep you and your brain energized throughout the day. The best snacks to have are fruits, especially when you are studying because they are packed with natural sugar, vitamins, and minerals that your body requires.

Drink Enough Water

There are people, specifically kids, who prefer to drink fruit juices because they are tastier than good old water, and their parents let them. In their mind, such fluids have water, too. Although that is true, drinking water in its most basic, tasteless form is essential to get rid of the toxins within your body. You can alternate juices, milk, and water, but water should still be more dominant.


As a student, you do not have to go to the gym and spend hours there because then you will not have enough time to study. Before studying and having your dinner, you can walk within the premises of your home or visit your mom’s plants in the garden for some time. This way, you can digest your dinner faster. You can also study better when you exercise because working out keeps your brain awake and your muscles more relaxed.

Final Thoughts


Kids and teenagers alike need to learn how to eat healthy foods early. After all, it is one habit that you should be able to bring to adulthood to ensure that you will be free from illnesses.

Good luck!

Diet For Stress Management


“Stressed spelled backward is desserts,” according to Loretta LaRoche, a stress guru. In my opinion, though, a stressed person will always and forever be a stressed person. No amount or kinds of desserts can help to eliminate the stress in someone’s life.

What Causes Stress?

It can be your work, state at home, romantic relationship, or many other things that only you know about. “Long-term stress is linked to weight problems and cardiovascular issues.” Jessica Harris, LCPC, LPC expresses. Stress is somewhat scarier than getting a considerable wound. With an injury, you can see it and know that you can mend it with ointment and some bandages. When you deal with stress, you feel fatigued, always have no energy, get depressed for a very long time, and still be unable to find a cure from the pharmacy. After all, only you can help yourself. The overly stressed people tend to do binge-eating and consume greasy foods like burgers, donuts, ice creams, and pizzas more often than necessary.


That is their one way of coping up with stress. It does help in a way since foods like that contain lots of sugars and calories that can give you temporary happiness. And when they get that happiness from eating, they keep on doing it over and over. It is almost like an illegal drug that gets you high for several hours, and then you become addicted to it in the end. It will eventually weaken your immune system, increase your cholesterol levels, and make you more prone to sickness. Therefore, just like an illegal drug, eating fast food products which are synthetically-made is not great for you.

What Can You Do?

If you are under stress now, but you still want to live a longer life, there is one thing you can do: eat healthy every day. “A balanced diet that includes lots of fiber helps keep your gut system running efficiently by helping to support a more diverse gut microbiome.” John M. Grohol, Psy.D.  said. If you want sugar, for instance, you can get your daily dose from fruits or juices. Remember to always have them for breakfast, together with grilled bacon, eggs, and whole-wheat bread. As for your lunch, you can have your favorite pasta with more boiled or half-cooked vegetables on the side or sandwiches with vegetables, grilled chicken or fish meat, or egg whites in them. You should also invest in a juicer so that you can make your healthy juice out of fresh fruits and vegetables. Butter and cheese can be added in moderation as well.

It is advisable to eat small snacks every 2-3 hours for a great diet. For such meals, limit yourself with eating fresh or canned fruit only or whole-wheat biscuits. Then, instead of coffee or tea during your coffee break, drink fruit or vegetable juice that pleases your palette. You can make your healthy eating plans so that you do not get tired of eating the same thing throughout the week. You still can have fast food, but try eating them only once every week or month and never in one sitting.

Final Thoughts


My friend has told me before that “a diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stress exceptionally well.” Eating a lot of unhealthy stuff can only make you even more stressed in the future than you are now. “Certain foods are linked to mental health issues such as increased symptoms of depression and decreased self-esteem.” Christina L. Gmyr, LMHC, NCC said. That is especially true when you realize that you have already gained more than 20lbs. Follow healthy eating plans to keep your stress away.

Good luck!

Juicing With Ninja Professional Blender 1000 – A Review



Not having a working blender can sometimes keep someone from juicing for digestive purposes. You can’t heat it in the microwave, or manually chop the ingredients and give them anything certainly need to be comfortable. You will experience terrible headache, however, if you get one which cannot fulfill your needs. For this reason, you should have the Ninja Professional Blender 1000 (BL610).

Features Of Ninja Professional Blender 1000 (BL610)

Sturdy Blades

The ultimate problem that consumers face when they land on a blender is that it has soft blades. If you use the appliance to crush ice and slightly more visible chunks, it is going to break.

Nonetheless, this is far from happening in case you decide to get the Ninja smoothie blender. In truth, it has the capacity to crush, cut, and blend anything that you put in the vessel.

Large Jar

If you have a sizeable juicing family or like to have a smoothie every morning, you do not have to make fruit blends in batches now. The Ninja Professional Blender 1000 (BL610) makes use of a large blender jar that can last for a lifetime. It will not crack easily even if you mishandle it.




  • 1000 watts – It ensures that the Ninja smoothie blender is more heavy-duty than the other products.
  • Safe for dishwashing – You do not have to worry that you have to clean it by hand after every use because it is fine to put it in any dishwasher.
  • Total Crushing Technology – This feature allows you to not wait for minutes for your blending to finish.
  • Frozen Blending – It can also be used to make creamy smoothies, just like how your favorite restaurant does it.

Customer Feedback

The issues that some customers have detected from the Ninja Professional Blender 1000 (BL610) is that the jar lid can only get fitted in a particular manner. The smoothie it produces still has a few bits of fruits and vegetables left unblended as well. The good thing about the former, though, is that it ascertains that you are paying attention at all times when you are using the appliance. More importantly, it is highly capable of crushing ice without any problem. It is better to have little fruit pieces in your drink than chunks of ice, after all.

Consumers also like the sleek design and the strength of this blender. It takes up tiny space in the kitchen, but its striking beauty makes it a great addition in the room. Its size lets you host a smoothie party with their friends, and it won’t tire you out since the product can fill multiple glasses at a time.




The Ninja Professional Blender is a powerful appliance that can easily be purchased from Amazon, Walmart, and other online stores. It is capable of making the nutritious smoothies that can energize you for the day ahead. It will also be great if you want to go on a juice cleanse and help with your digestion. I will be challenging to find another product that can exceed its benefits, for sure.

Learning About Liver Specialists In The 2014 Miami Annual Gastroenterology And Hepatology Symposium

If there’s one thing you can learn in the 2014 Miami Annual Gastroenterology and Hepatology Symposium, it’s that different liver problems call for different doctors. One could go to a gastroenterologist or a hepatologist. The question is: Which specialist do we need? Which is the “more qualified” choice? Learning about the specializations of each doctor might help in answering that question.

What’s A Gastroenterologist?

Gastroenterologist comes from the prefix “gastḗr,” which is the Greek word for “belly.” These specialists focus on the medication and treatment of the digestive system. It includes the parts of the gastrointestinal tract, such as the mouth, stomach, and intestines.


To become a licensed gastroenterologist, one must complete their pre-medical and medical education, which take about eight years. One must then undergo three years of residency in internal medicine. Lastly, one must finish two to three years of fellowship in gastroenterology. Only after that can one be able to take the board exam.

What’s A Hepatologist?

Hepatologist comes from the prefix “hêpar,” which is the Greek word for “liver.” These specialists treat disorders that affect the liver. The field of hepatology falls under gastroenterology. Its focus is on the liver, the pancreas, and the gallbladder.



To be considered a licensed hepatologist, one must also go through the eight years of pre-medical to medical education and the three-year residency in internal medicine. The difference is that no standardized exam certifies passers. Instead, one must go through a one- or two-year fellowship that shall expose one to various liver disorders.

Gastroenterologists and hepatologists aren’t too different after all. However, choosing one or the other depends on a lot of things—the doctor’s availability, credentials, and experience, to name a few.  

It’s up to you to ask about these things and make an informed choice. It’s your health or the health of your loved one on the line. It would be best to choose wisely.

How To Avoid Stress Caused By Sickness

There are several things to take into consideration when it comes to managing stress that is brought about by your illness. As early as now, it is crucial to emphasize the fact that you will not find it easy to deal with this kind of stress. Because of this, you have to prepare yourself for more challenging days that can be full of hardships. However, this does not mean that you can no longer do anything to make an effort in eliminating stress or avoiding stress caused by an illness such as gastrointestinal medical issues.


Here are some of the ways that you may want to try:


Accept The Situation

The first step that you have to complete is to learn to accept your current situation. Do not make it any harder on your part by pretending that everything is already. What you need to do is to accept the reality that you are sick with an illness. Acceptance is essential because it will be your guide to moving forward and defeating your illness.


Talk To Friends

When you are having a hard time brought about by your medical condition, the best thing to do is to find a way to release your negative emotions. Luckily, you can always call your true friends whenever you need help or assistance. You can also count on these friends every time stress starts to consume you. Find a friend whom you can open up to quickly. Remember that talking about the issues that bother you can be therapeutic.


Get Support From Expert

Do not hesitate to seek for a professional help if you believe that your stress has reached its maximum level and that you have no idea on how to address it properly. You can always find a psychiatrist or psychologist who specializes in treating patients with chronic stress. Nonetheless, it is imperative or vital on your part to be careful with the choice of the professional expert whom you will consult with regarding your mental health.


Rest If You Must

Never forget the importance of getting sufficient rest every day. Give yourself a chance to lie low from all the things that are causing stress and anxiety. Make an effort to set a bedtime schedule that you must follow every single night. Avoid staying up late at night because it can increase your stress levels. Instead, try to enjoy every evening with your family and friends. Use this time to connect with the people who matter in your life. These are the individuals who can genuinely make you smile and somehow take your worries away.


Stress as a result of a severe illness can be difficult to eliminate or avoid in the first place. As such, do not pressure yourself into getting it out of your system overnight. The reality is that it is a continuous process that you have to remember. If you keep on doing this, there might be a high chance that you will also experience healing from your sickness. Try it and have fun.


How Can Psychiatry Be Helpful For Gastrointestinal Patients?


Gastrointestinal (GI) problems involve, as you know by now, the abnormalities that take place in a person’s digestive system. You may sometimes be unable to defecate (constipation); other times, you can’t stop doing it (diarrhea). Acid can also rise from the stomach, or your metabolism rate is much slower compared to other people.

The thing is, the treatment for a GI issue can take a few weeks to over six months, depending on how severe it happens to be. And yet various studies show up on the Internet claiming that psychiatry may help treat the patients if medications do not work. Thus, you may ask, “In what ways can psychiatry be helpful for gastrointestinal sufferers?”

  1. Accepting That Seeking Medical Assistance Is A Must

The first problem that folks living with GI symptoms deal with is their habit of putting off health consultations until they can no longer walk as the pain extends to other body parts. Some individuals who have upset stomach tend to say, “Oh, I’m blaming it on the food I ate earlier.” They only feel like calling a doctor or going to the emergency room once they start to vomit nonstop or poo dark blood.

Undergoing psychiatry can help people like this to realize that they don’t need to play cool all the time. You know your body – you can tell when something is wrong with it – so there’s no logical reason to wait for the worse before seeking medical attention.


  1. Receiving Diagnosis

When you mention to friends and family members that you are about to get checked for a gastrointestinal disorder, you won’t only hear comments like “I’m sure everything will be all right” or “We’re always here for you.” Many concerned loved ones may even warn you against believing the interpretation of your current doctor regarding your condition. Because of that, you might transfer from one specialist to another for as long as you don’t get a different opinion.

In reality, being in denial is a mental problem that psychiatry may be able to help you fix. Though you understand deep down that the diagnosis is authentic, an incident in the past may be stopping you from recognizing the truth. Hence, the psychiatrist will then try to teach coping mechanisms so that you can overcome such issues and accept your diagnosis with a clear mind.

  1. Making Treatments Work

If you once thought that medical doctors do not believe in the power of strong will, think again. They study every patient’s case and prescribe the right drugs to provide digestive relief, yes. However, these professionals are also smart enough to know that their skills won’t do much if you are not devoted to the healing process.

If even the best GI doctor cannot fix your condition, a psychiatrist can come to make the patient remember why he or she went for a checkup in the first place. It may be because of his or her goal to watch the kids grow up. Perhaps the individual has not gone to his or her dream locations yet. The more the therapist encourages the person to talk about their aspirations, the more he or she wants to fight the illness harder than ever.


Isn’t it amazing how a physical disorder might be curable by a mental practice? Psychiatry and gastroenterology are two branches of medicine that never get paired together, but studies reveal that they are indeed a great match for each other.

So, in case your digestive system gets troublesome in the future – or you cannot rely on medication – consider talking to a psychiatrist to clear your head. You need that to heal well and possibly prevent gastrointestinal issues in the future.

Good luck!