Daily Archives: May 26, 2020

Ways To Volunteer And Give Back To Your Community


Source: volunteermark.com


The 2019 Socal Conference was a great opportunity for sponsors, supporters, and benefactors of the Southern California Grantmakers community to connect and gather together to learn about the current trends that are emerging in the business, home, and work sectors. Everyone was in the mood to exchange information about policy trends, business strategies, and various critical issues that have affected their communities. There were training and workshops available to community members who were designated to learn different types of volunteer work to help improve their communities and teach the other community members as well, especially the youth.

Here are some ways that volunteers can help their community improve.

Organize A Yard Sale

If you have a knack for business or marketing, think about putting up a yard sale for your community, promising the proceeds to a charity that you have wanted to help. There’s always an appliance, equipment, or furniture in mint condition that’s lying around in your house. These things still have value, and some people who can’t afford to buy a new one will surely consider purchasing them.

Visit A Senior Facility

There are a lot of nursing homes that have become new homes for the elderly whos families are busy or no longer around, and many of these older adults need care, attention, and love from the outside world. You can volunteer one or two hours of your week to visit these homes and interact with the seniors, maybe ask them how they are or what their favorite food or television show is. If you think you won’t learn a thing or two from them, think again. You will have a wonderful time listening to their past and how they lived their lives.

DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, Texas – Donna Dules, a Meals-on-Wheels recipient, is hand-delivered her ready-made meal from Luke Schroeder, 11, son of Tech. Sgt. James Schroeder, 7th Mission Operations Squadron, in the local Abilene community June 30, 2011. Children ages 9-18 from the youth center here perform a Meals-on-Wheels route every Thursday morning in the city of Abilene. (U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Chelsea Browning/Released)

Source: dyess.af.mil

Cook And Serve Food

America may not be on the list of poorest countries in the world, but there are still thousands of hungry and homeless people everywhere. There won’t be enough volunteers and philanthropists to feed them, so preparing meals and serving these groups with free food will definitely help a lot. Join Meals On Wheels, volunteers that serve more than 2 million seniors daily, or better yet, organize your own in your community.

Help Out At Your Local School

Teachers are stressed, fatigued, and overworked, and they badly need help. If you think you have language, math, or any skill that can help a student learn, then be a volunteer tutor. You can also read stories to preschool children so the teachers can do their paperwork while you’re at it. Cleaning the school grounds is also a great idea. Your efforts will surely be appreciated.