Family’s Guide To Protecting And Improving Digestive System

The digestive system is one of the most diverse and complicated systems in the human body. It is where specific parts work in complete unison to accomplish a single task. It serves to transform raw elements of an array of food into the energy and nutrients needed to keep humans functioning and alive. But despite that well-known information, a lot of people take their digestive systems for granted. Some examples of their bad habits are not eating healthy and nutritious food, not drinking enough water, and taking too many substances that can potentially damage the digestive function. Good thing there are ways to improve the digestive system, and here are some of the following.


Chew Food Thoroughly – Chewing is the most underrated process that a lot of people fail to recognize. It is a requirement for proper digestion because of chewing’s ability to break down large pieces of food into smaller particles. When food gets chewed properly, it becomes significant in creating the mouth’s saliva, which is essential for its digestive enzymes. Also, chewing food into smaller particles reduces stress in the esophagus and reduces excess lingering bacteria in the intestines. Thus, it makes the whole digestive system more capable of absorbing nutrients from the food. Chewing for about 20 to 30 times also contributes to the better taste of the food.

Eat A Lot Of Fiber – Fiber plays a significant role in the digestive system. With its soluble property, it promotes a healthy digestive tract flow. It allows food to move through the intestines quickly, making it convenient for digestion. It keeps bowel movements soft and regular as it absorbing excess water in the intestines. Fiber also helps in cleaning the colon cells to keeps the overall function of the digestive organs active and healthy. Some examples of the good sources of fibers are beans, nuts, oatmeal, apples, berries, citrus, pear, and barley. When still unsure if the food contains fiber, just stick with the unprocessed and natural produce.


Eat Warm Food – A lot of people have this habit of cooling down their meals before eating. However, there is a significant reason why it is important to eat warm food. That is because warm food gets easily digested when swallowed compared to cold ones. Also, eating warm food helps prepare the body and give it more time to relax while eating. So when there is a slow meal intake process, it helps the body avoid using excess energy only to break down food particles. Thus, it would be best to incorporate soups or tea in the diet.

Drink Enough Water – Water is entirely essential for the proper function of the digestive system. It is the main component that delivers the food to the cells so that the body can easily absorb the nutrients and minerals. And aside from water’s intestinal fluid regulation, it also aids in the easy elimination of excess energy nutrients. Water also supports all functions of the body’s digestive system, including breaking those particles that are not appropriately chewed, keeping the food warm, and flushing down unwanted food debris in the gut.


Drink Less Alcohol – Contrary to what others falsely believe, alcohol does not help in digestive function. In fact, it is the other way around. Alcohol slows down nutrient absorption, sprains the stomach muscles, and interferes with acid secretion. It disrupts the flow of good bacteria in the digestive system and replaces it with bad ones. Alcohol carries the bad bacteria from the stomach and passes it onto the small intestine, where it tends to produce a toxic compound called endotoxin. Too much alcohol leads to acid reflux, which eventually causes inflammation to the tissue of the digestive tract. It then leads to gassiness, delayed digestion, diarrhea, and vomiting. In some unfortunate cases, it results in gastritis, internal bleeding, and ulcers.

Cut Down In Sugar – Sugar is an essential component that fuels the body. However, too much of it is dangerous, not only for the digestive system but for the overall bodily function. Sugar contains fructose, and when overeaten, it stays in the gut for an extended period. It causes gastrointestinal bloating. It is when sugar draws water in the large intestine and prevents it from being adequately absorbed. Over time, sugar promotes inflammation in the bloodstream that leads to certain diseases such as stroke and heart failure.


It is vital that you understand your commitment to keeping you and your family’s health a top priority. These are just some of the following things you can do to protect and improve your family’s digestive systems. Some of these habits are easy to follow, so there is no point in making excuses not to practice them. You can always choose improvements. Every lifestyle changes you make for the better can go a long way.